Jewish World Review /June 19, 1998 / 25 Sivan, 5758
Larry Elder
JASPER, TEXAS -- Along with Rosewood, the Tuskegee Experiment, the murder of
Emmett Till and the beating of Rodney King, Jasper shows that "racism is alive and well in
America." That, at least, remains the mantra of many black leaders.
In Jasper, three white supremacists with ties to the Aryan Nation and the Ku Klux Klan
offered a ride to a black man. They chained the man to their truck and dragged him two
miles. Authorities found parts of the man's body -- head and limbs -- strewn over a country
road miles long. It's a hideous example of a vicious hate crime against a black man.
Jared Taylor, in his book "Paved with Good Intentions," writes: "Shouldn't a nation of bigots
target blacks most of the time? At least half of the time? Of course, it does not. When
whites commit violence, they do it to blacks 2.4 percent of the time. Blacks, on the other
hand, choose white victims more than half the time."
In 1995, the FBI documented 8,000 hate crimes, over half of which involved black victims.
In 1992, however, of the nearly 6 million violent crimes -- murder, rape, manslaughter,
armed robbery and felonious assault -- nearly 20 percent involved a different-race victim
with a different-race perpetrator. Of the nearly 1 million interracial violent crimes, 90 percent
involve a black offender and a white victim. Now, if you assume a race-based motive in less
than 1 percent of the black perpetrator/white victim violent crimes, you still reach a number
equivalent to all of the yearly hate crimes in the entire country.
Of the million black perpetrator/white victim crimes, how many involved a race-based
motive? Who knows? But when several black youths on a "wilding" expedition attacked a
white female Central Park jogger, few in the media speculated whether the victim's race
played a role in her attack. On the other hand, O. J. Simpson defense attorney Johnnie
Cochran tells us that police officers victimized Simpson because of their hostility toward a
black man who married a white woman. No swastikas necessary.
And of 1992's nearly 30 million non-violent criminal acts -- things like burglary and auto theft
-- nearly 30 percent involve a black offender and a white victim. The reverse?
Approximately 2 percent.
Thus, blacks, while one-seventh of the population of whites, commit many more acts of
violence against them than the other way around. One newspaper editorial called the
Jasper murder "America's shame." Really. Does that make Colin Ferguson's Long Island
subway massacre of whites "black America's shame," or does it serve as an example of
"deep and vicious racism" toward whites?
Chicago columnist Mike Royko once wrote about two black police officers who stopped two
whites in a predominately black area. The cops arrested the white driver and towed his car,
leaving the white passenger in this black neighborhood. The white guy allegedly begged
the cops not to leave him, but they did. Soon, police found the man smoldering, having
been doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire. He died. Royko asked why there was
no national outcry.
And, last year in Michigan, three train-hopping white teenagers -- two boys and a girl --
found themselves in a predominately
Jasper became major news precisely because America shows collective disgust toward
the murderous, cowardly punks accused. But, for many black leaders, Jasper is America.
Rep. Albert Russell Wynn, D-Md., said, "It manifests itself at the street level in murder, but
it also manifests itself at the boardroom in discrimination."
Forget the thriving black middle class; the fact that blacks have a collective gross domestic
product that places it among the world's 15 wealthiest nations; that polls show a majority of
whites willing to vote for a black for president; that data comparing apples to apples finds
no "wage gap" between blacks and whites; that following the Supreme Court rejection of
race-based districts, the black Southern incumbents who ran in newly formed majority white
districts all got re-elected; and that a recent Times-CNN poll shows nearly 90 percent of
black teens find racism plays either little or no role in their own lives.
No, for the black "victicrat" leadership, Jasper, Texas, becomes Exhibit A in the
self-demoralizing quest to exaggerate America's problems and minimize her
Is Jasper ‘America'?
The question is not whether the insidious nature of this murder warrants the international
headlines or the condemnation of President Clinton. It does. But does Jasper reflect, as
the Congressional Black Caucus says, a "deep and vicious racism in this country"?
Of course Jesse was on the scene
in Jasper. Would you think he wouldn't be? black area of Flint, Mich. The police later arrested six
black youths for shooting the two boys, execution style, in the head and forcing the girl to
perform oral sex while they sodomized her from the rear. She, too, was shot in the head.
While the story made national news, few speculated -- at least out loud -- whether race
played a role.
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