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JWR's Binyamin L. Jolkovsky reflects on a transformative moment -- and the relative worth of a keepsake.
As a teenager, I would often frequent the small European-style synagogue
of the late Bluzhever Rebbe, Grand Rabbi Israel Spira, whose
One Chanukah eve, after the Rebbe's communal candle lighting ceremony, a
number of the sage's admirers queued up to receive his blessing. As my
INDEED, it wasn't until recently that I began to fully appreciate the
depth of the Rebbe's statement -- and his concerns. As a teen, I was
disappointed that the picture of the two of us was never taken; that my
descendants will never share, even minimally, what I had experienced.
But today, I realize that on that winter night the rebbe enabled me to
acquire a far more valuable heirloom --- one that I will do my best to
pass on to my progeny.
While browsing in a book shop recently, I noticed a family --
grandparents, mother, father, and their children -- huddled around
I stood back a few feet and observed.
In front of the grandfather was a portrait of two yeshiva students in Uzhgrod, Hungary,
studying Talmud. The fact the two boys shared the same volume and wore unblocked hats
testified to the depths of their poverty, as did their frail bodies.
"That could have been me," the grandfather said, with a noticeable touch
of nostalgia. Then one of the grandchildren caught his zayde off-guard.
"What's that book they're studying all about?" he asked earnestly.
Embarrassed, the grandfather mumbled something about Jewish traditions
and quickly changed the subject.
A few pages later, the family patriarch
came across a picture of the altar in the Lask, Poland synagogue, with a
mystical chart placed behind the candelabra.
Now it was the father's turn to pose a question. "Why is that poster
above the altar there?" The zayde obliged with a laconic response:
"That's how they did it there, I suppose." And so it went until the
picture book was eventually closed -- and with it, the
multi-generational family's glimpse into their shared past.
"That was then," the family seemed to be saying of the quaint world they
had just visited, as they returned the tome to the shelf. "Now is now.
It's time to move on."
IT WAS this loose connection with the past implied by such attitudes, I
believe, that alarmed the Rebbe. Pictures may be worth 1,000
words or more, lending a glimpse of the past and a perspective on the present and future, but they should
not become ends in and of themselves.
Nor should the Holocaust.
The phrase "the glory of pre-Holocaust Europe" has become all but a
cliche for Generation X Jews like myself. Without belittling the
tragedy of the Six Million, it must be noted that for all too many, the Holocaust has almost
What is more, a favorite of the Jewish establishment these days is the
propagation of the Holocaust museum culture. All that seems to be
missing from these multi-million-dollar monuments to tragedy that seem to
be popping up all across the fruited plain are carnival barkers, shouting:
"Come one, come all! See the dead Jews and their vanished culture under
WHEREAS the celebration of the warmth and vitality of Judaism once
nurtured one's Jewishness, today these vibrant experiences are
increasingly being replaced with a somber substitute: the horrors of
World War II. Post-Holocaust American Jewry has been taught to define
itself in terms of being a nation of victims rather than a nation
entrusted with the transmission of the Divine Word.
Jewish life did not end with the near-destruction of European Jewry.
Nor did it begin in Europe. For thousands of years, Jews contributed
heavily to the well-being of their host-nations in every field of
endeavor. But Jewish life, in which the Torah is the focal point, is not
limited to any specific time or place. Communities should not let
nostalgia -- or tragedy -- blur their sense of direction or priority.
"Within you and your generation lies the ability to guarantee
Judaism's survival," the Rebbe observed.
Photographs and other forms of nostalgia, like anything else that is essentially neutral, can
be used productively or can be abused. A snapshot can capture the
fascination of a bygone moment, but we must take care not to allow images of the past to
become the sole objects and endpoints of our sense of meaning. Our own lives
are here today to be lived and imbued with wonder.
Binyamin L. Jolkovsky is the editor-in-chief and publisher of JWR.