
September 7th, 2024


Dem Machine on the March

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published July 26, 2024

Dem Machine on the March


For almost 4 years we had an empty suit, a total incompetent, and crooked liar as our president. That he also has dementia is the least of it. The Democrat establishment got rid of him because they knew they couldn't win the election with him so he has been replaced by a far-left laughing hyena buffoon. A DEI appointee (she checked all the right boxes: woman, Asian, black) with no real accomplishments.

Kamala "sleep my way to the top" Harris wasn't elected, she was selected by the Democrat party machine. She literally achieved nothing as vice president but that doesn't matter, she has been crowned by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jefferies. Let the games begin!

A couple of very interesting facts should be considered here. She cannot run away from Biden's record. She has supported the so-called Green New Deal, forgiving student loans, and increasing entitlements, all of which have contributed to inflation. She was there when the administration pulled out of Afghanistan killing 13 U.S. servicemen, leaving millions of dollars of our weapons in the hands of our enemies, and stranding countless numbers of U.S. citizens who by now must surely be dead.

She was put in charge of our Southern border and under her watch millions of illegals have gotten into the country, many have committed unspeakable acts of violence including rape and murder. She is decidedly anti-Israel and shows disrespect for Prime Minister Netanyahu, in the same way that Biden did and Obama did.

She embraces the far left and has proposed defunding police, getting criminals out of jail without bond, and eliminating ICE. She would ban fracking which would put thousands of people out of work and cause power outages. She supports mandatory gun confiscation aimed at legal gun owners. She is for Medicare for All single payer healthcare which would put the government in charge of all American medical services.

As columnist Huge Hewitt put it, "With the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris, the American Left will openly and inarguably be at the controls. Then candidate Barack Obama pretended on 2008 to be a centrist, but he governed from the left and shifted the entire party to the left. President Biden's disastrous term cemented the left and its ideology into the driver's seat of the Democrats. What Kamala Harris says over the next three months as she rhetorically tries to tack to the middle does not much matter. She and her party are from and for the American Left's vision for the United States."

Kamala has been at the forefront of lying to the American people about the mental acuity of Biden for 4 years, claiming he was as "sharp as a tack" and had more energy and wisdom than anyone in the room. If she lied about that, what else would she lie about as president?

Remember, Kamala bombed out totally when she ran for president in 2019, her approval rating was in the negative range. She couldn't even secure her own state (California). But, again, she checked all the right boxes so Biden and his handlers anointed her as VP. She's been cackling ever since. Actually, the annoying laugh is nothing compared to her word salads when she is speaking off script. Her nonsense sentences rival the gibberish of Biden's.

I never doubted that Obama has been pulling the strings behind the Biden presidency. His people have been placed in important positions throughout the Biden administration and will remain there under a Harris administration if she is elected. The lurch to the left will continue.

If elected Kamala Harris, the Squad, and the Soros dark money behind it all will have America where they want it at last. Leftward, ever leftward toward Marxism.


