
September 18th, 2024


Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

Argus Hamilton

By Argus Hamilton

Published September 9, 2024

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report


USA Today says anti-Israel protests resumed on campuses this week. Last week, near UCLA I walked past a protest and one of the Muslim college kids had a booth where he sold copies of the entire Koran on one DVD. Impressed I asked him to burn me a copy and that's when the trouble started.

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to nine counts that he dodged taxes while he spent money supporting a lavish lifestyle involving call girls, beach houses, sex clubs, cocaine and expensive cars. He made a big mistake pleading guilty. There not a jury in Los Angeles that would consider that a lavish lifestyle.

Donald Trump went to New York Thursday to give a detailed speech to the New York Economic Club where he laid out his economic plans to fix the U.S. economy and he even took questions. The powers-that-be in New York always have a standing question for Trump. Will the defendant please rise?

Vladimir Putin on Thursday praised Kamala Harris and slammed Trump for harming Russia with so many sanctions. It was a backhanded compliment. Under Trump, Pizza Hut, Coke, Taco Bell and McDonald's left Russia and now Russians are healthier than they've ever been in their history.

The DOJ accused Russia of spreading disinformation online aimed at helping Trump win the election. DOJ cited as disinformation any statistics pointing to higher food prices, higher gas prices and increased migrant crimes. We must face the fact that arithmetic is a legacy of America's racist past.

The DOJ omitted China when it cited Russia for interfering in U.S. politics Tuesday. Chinese spies slept with U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell, drove Dianne Feinstein's limo, and infiltrated the office of the N.Y. governor. The irresistibility of Chinese influence is that an hour later, politicians are hungry for more.

The Kamala Harris campaign team finally agreed to the microphone rules for the upcoming debate with Donald Trump on Tuesday night on ABC, where the insults are sure to fly fast and furious. I didn't particularly care for Kamala Harris until Trump identified her as a Marxist. I loved Groucho.

The Kansas City Chiefs opened the NFL season Thursday hosting the Baltimore Ravens on the field and Taylor Swift in her luxury box mugging it up for the cameras. I sat down last night, put on my earphones, and I listened to Taylor Swift's Greatest Songs. It was two minutes I'll never get back.

Sports Illustrated reports that golf teaching pros posted a coaching video to try to straighten out Charles Barkley's golf swing, rated by consensus the ugliest swing in golf. It's easy to find Barkley on the golf course, just follow the wounded. Charles Barkley is the most dangerous driver since Ben Hur.

Madonna interrupted her world tour to throw herself a splashy 66th birthday party at an Italian 5-star seaside resort. Her stage show can't be described in polite company. If you can't afford tickets to Madonna's concert, just get your grandma to dress up in lingerie and give her a pint of cherry vodka.

The New York Times reports a surge of illegal immigration from Canada with the Border Patrol disclosing that 15,000 apprehensions this year. Their arrival has resulted in a brand-new level of xenophobia. We've got so many Canadians living in Los Angeles it hardly feels like Mexico anymore.

The Census Bureau Friday rated Los Angeles as the most multicultural city in the United States boasting the most ethnicities, races, nationalities and languages of any U.S. city. I happen to have the blood of an overly-confident white guy. It's on the front bumper of my car, but that's a police matter.

Donald Trump caught hell from the mainstream media by suggesting Kamala has misled voters about her race. Most Americans no longer say racist, sexist or homophobic things. It's not because we're sensitive now, it's because people who say those things are always the first to die in a horror movie.

Donald Trump told reporters Tuesday that if elected president he will release the least of all the prominent politicians and stars who visited Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Island to cavort sexually with underage teenage girls. The list shockingly includes Michael Jackson. You think you know a guy.

The DOJ said the Russian are interfering with the American election by spreading propaganda over social media. Security agencies interfered with the elections of 2016 and 2020 by subterfuge, misinformation and censorship. And that was just the Americans interfering with the American election.

Amazon's Alexa is giving reasons to vote for Kamala but not for Trump. Not all Big Tech is one-sided. If you're driving and need to turn to the right, the GPS tells you to take a Trump, and if you need to steer to the center lane, even though you want to turn left, GPS tells you to make a Kamala. President Biden spoke to a cheering Pittsburgh crowd Monday riding the wave of a surge in job approval since he dropped out of the 2024 race. The public's loved him ever since he quit. This week Disney World updated its Hall of Presidents wax museum exhibit by placing Joe Biden in a beach chair.

Kamala Harris drew notice from the comedians Monday when she spoke in heavy black accent in Detroit. We can see what's next. In El Paso Kamala will refer to Trump as El Gringo Loco, offer six toasts at a Boston Irish event then vomit onstage, and win the college vote by shouting Allahu Akbar!

The Los Angeles Times reports that homicides are down 25% in L.A. this year, however property crimes are way up. I have noticed people are a lot more polite to each other. Today I allowed a guy to cut in front of me at the grocery store checkout stand because he only had two items, a note and a gun.


