
May 14th, 2024


That Sounds Like a Joke

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Sept. 14, 2021

That Sounds Like a Joke

Dan Ball, a host on One America News, interviewed Amelia Miller on Aug. 12 about her newfound power: She claims she became magnetic after getting the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020.

According to HuffPost, Miller said she recently started "to feel this extremely strong metallic taste in my mouth" and remembered stories about people who had become magnetic after being vaccinated.

"I thought all these videos were hoaxes, people are doing it, like you said, for social media fame," Miller told Ball.

But then she tried sticking metal objects to her skin, and they stayed, and the metallic taste came back.

When she tried to demonstrate during the interview, one metal object stuck, while another fell off.

"I'm speechless. I'm just going to end the interview right there," Ball responded. [HuffPost, 8/14/2021]