
April 20th, 2024


They're Lovin' It

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published July 8, 2022

They're Lovin' It

Rob and Grace Jones wanted to replace a built-in toilet paper holder in their home in Crystal Lake, Illinois, which required them to cut into the wall of their bathroom, NBC New York reported.

That's when they came across a most unusual find: a towel containing two McDonald's hamburger wrappers and a full order of french fries inside.

Vintage 1959. "We were expecting the worst," Grace said. "I was shielding my kids in case there was any dried blood."

More like dried ketchup. "Not a cold case, just some cold fries," she said. "They were very well preserved."

Must not be many mice in Crystal Lake. [NBC New York, 4/27/2022]