
September 16th, 2024


Suspicions Confirmed

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published June 11, 2024

Suspicions Confirmed

Zookeepers at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio were taken aback when Sully, an 8-year-old western lowland gorilla whom they had assumed to be male, gave birth.

Sully has lived at the zoo since 2019, United Press International reported. "It's hard to tell the sex of younger gorillas," the zoo said in a statement. "They don't have prominent sex organs."

They said Sully had been healthy and did not need any procedures or medical care that would have clued them in to her gender.

"Sully is taking good care of (the baby)," zookeepers said, adding that eventually they'll do a DNA test to find out which of three males is the father. [UPI, 7/22/2023]