
September 16th, 2024


Bright Idea

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published June 6, 2024

Bright Idea

Michael Raduga, 40, founder of the Phase Research Center in Russia, but -- critically -- NOT a doctor or neurosurgeon, nearly lost his life when he tried to implant a chip in his brain on his own, in his living room in Kazakhstan.

The Daily Mail reported that Raduga lost more than a liter of blood in his quest to control his dreams. He said he practiced on five sheep's brains and watched hours of neurosurgery on YouTube before starting on his own head.

"During the first 30 minutes I was ready to give up many times because ... I was afraid I could just lose consciousness," Raduga said. "I finished the surgery, I took a shower and I worked for 10 hours straight. People didn't know."

But neurosurgeon Alex Green of the University of Oxford wasn't having it.

"This is an extremely dangerous thing to do," he said. "We are probably decades away from being able to synthesize new experiences." [Daily Mail, 7/15/2023]