
July 2nd, 2024


Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

Argus Hamilton

By Argus Hamilton

Published June 26, 2024

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report


PGA Travelers was marred by climate radicals who spray painted the 18th green Sunday. Leftists aren't the only ones doing this stuff. A conservative group plans to spray paint a 2,000 mile long Rainbow Flag along the U.S.-Mexican border so the government will finally arrest people walking over it.

The Boston Pops annual July 4th concert will air on Bloomberg TV next week. If we had never left England, we comedians would have an easier time of it. On Sunday Princess Anne was taken to the hospital after she was kicked in the head by a horse, and Camilla swears it was an accident.

Atlanta will host the first presidential debate Thursday night which will air on CNN. This will be the first debate for either candidate in four years, with Joe Biden running unopposed and Trump bypassing the GOP debates. Joe Biden won the pre-debate coin toss and, out of habit, pocketed the coin.

President Biden and Donald Trump agreed to debate rules including no audience in the hall and cut off microphone while the other speaks. As for the debate order, Biden won the coin toss and chose to give Trump the last word. That's like giving Justin Timberlake the keys to your car and liquor cabinet.

President Biden is spending ten days in Camp David debate rehearsing in a studio set up to look like Thursday's venue. He'll be totally rested and ready. Joe also has 16 men with him on standby at Camp David, 8 for the debate coaching and 8 in case he needs an organ donation before the big night.

Donald Trump spoke in Philadelphia but afterward Democrats said he'd lied about Joan Rivers voting for him because she'd been dead for two years. Democrats better hope he was lying. Trump is picking up Hispanic votes and black votes and now if he picks up the dead vote they can write off Illinois.

The White House drew heat Monday for the new assistant communications official Tyler Cherry who in past social media posts compared police to slave patrols and cheered anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protestors. He's also a gay activist. Only a customs officer in Colombia checks more boxes than this guy.

Ford Motors announced Monday it's losing $100,000 for every electric vehicle it's sold as AAA reported a survey saying 50% of EV drivers will switch back to gasoline vehicles next car. However, environmental activists point out that 90% of EVs are still out on the road. The rest made it safely home.

Boeing's CEO was raked over the coals by a Senate committee over the dozens of mishaps on its airliners in mid-air. This week, Boeing's Star Liner space vehicle got stuck at the Space Station. However Boeing can't terrify every traveler until they build a trans sub to bring people to see the Titanic.

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to review a Tennessee law banning transgender procedures for minors. The male-to-female transition surgery is less primitive and more pain-free than it was in the past. John Wayne Bobbitt will tell anyone who'll listen that he was traumatized by his procedure in 1993.

President Biden and Donald Trump will square off Thursday night and engage in a presidential debate airing on CNN and it's sure to be a knock-down drag-out fight. The Democratic candidate is 81 and the Republican candidate is 78. The debate will be held in the balcony of the Muppet Theater.

President Biden and Donald Trump are reportedly fully prepared for tonight's debate. It should be fun. Trump prepared for the debate by going to senior centers and arguing with dementia patients while Biden prepared by standing inside the Camp David theater and shouting at old newsreels of Hitler.

CNN prime time hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate tonight's presidential debate between Trump and Biden inside CNN's original headquarters in Atlanta. To make it fair, the debate commission laid out strict conditions. For instance, there will be no live audience and one live candidate.

The Hollywood Reporter estimated an audience of fifty million will view tonight's presidential debate that will air on CNN and stream live on Fox News. For all the talk of the high cable news ratings, the vast majority of Americans won't be watching tonight's debate. Most people have Smart TV.

Fox News predicts the sparks will fly once the candidates begin pushing their favorite topics in tonight's debate. Trump will hammer away at illegal immigration, urban crime and runaway inflation. Joe Biden is almost sure to ask how many Pearl Harbors and 9/11s does it take to equal one January 6th.

Fox News host Sean Hannity conducted a viewer poll Tuesday and 90% of his viewers said they thought Joe Biden would be jacked up on drugs tonight. Don't look at Hunter. In one day Hunter lost his law license and Hooters shut down dozens of its restaurants, so if you think YOU had a bad day.

Donald Trump's judge in the hush money trial Judge Juan Merchan altered his gag order two days before the debate. He left in place a ban on Trump commenting about the judge or the DA. I think it's very Democratic to gag and muffle Trump in the debate until he and Biden sound equally intelligible.

President Biden was assisted and coached by 16 debate advisors at Camp David this week. They rehearsed inside the airplane hangar. To lend a hand, Barack Obama came up to Camp David, but he was reportedly delayed at the entrance gate when the Secret Service couldn't find his birth certificate.

Senator Mitt Romney said Thursday he does not support Donald Trump for president due to his moral character. Mitt is rich and slender, he doesn't drink or smoke, he never did drugs, never had a female accuser and he has stayed faithfully married all his adult life. So what does he want, a cookie?

President Biden before going to Camp David signed an order barring asylum for illegal migrants when numbers of border crossers are high. The clamp down didn't stop there. The White House is now asking the illegal immigrants to stop raping and killing any more Americans until after the election.

Donald Trump campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania this week and tried to sound more statesmanlike and less insulting, leaving his fans feeling greatly shortchanged. I know this much. Audiences would have walked out on Don Rickles if he forgot why people came to see the show.


