
September 17th, 2024


Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

Argus Hamilton

By Argus Hamilton

Published June 5, 2024

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report


President Biden flew to France to deliver a speech at Pointe du Hoc in Normandy Thursday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the 1944 D-Day landings in France. He'll be speaking at the military cemetery where 9,387 U.S. soldiers are buried. It's Joe's largest get-out-the-vote rally of the year.

President Biden and First Lady Jill spent the weekend at their beach house in Delaware where they kept Hunter company before his trial. On Sunday Hunter was seen on TV bicycling on the beach with his father. Bicycling is part of President Biden's workout program which is called Not Dying.

Politico reports leading Democrats are worried that Joe Biden can't make it through a tough presidential campaign this summer and fall while Republicans worry Donald Trump may be in jail. Either way we comedians can't lose. One guy is facing a sentence and the other one can't complete one.

President Biden signed an order shutting down asylum claims at the border at a certain level Tuesday. Cartels smuggle another 500 a day and charge each migrant $3,000 to get into the U.S. They should be a great crowd for I've learned the more they pay at the door, the harder they laugh at the show.

Anthony Fauci was grilled in the House Monday for his debunked Covid policies that included mandatory vaccines, 6-foot rule and his infected bat tale. His shutdowns closed schools, churches and nightclubs. It took the George Floyd riots to prove that the virus was no match for fresh air and fire.

Ukraine urged NATO to pressure Putin into a peace deal as Ukraine's defeat begins to seem likely. It seemed crazy for the U.S. to overthrow Ukraine's leader 11 years ago for wanting to join NATO and provoke a reaction from the Russian Bear. Every zoo is a petting zoo, if you're dumb enough.

The left is fighting back hard. Last game Caitlin Clark was blind-sided, hip-checked and knocked in the air, landing on her shoulder and New York district attorney Alvin Bragg wants to indict her for flopping.

Caitlin Clark was targeted by hard fouls and knockdowns on the WNBA basketball courts this past week from jealous opponents. The hazing quickly drew charges of racism because she's white. I say forget race, this is Gay Pride Month, what business does a woman have playing in women's sports?

Mexico made history Sunday when the nation's voters elected Mexico's first woman president Claudia Sheinbaum to the country's highest office. Doubly impressive is the fact that she's also their first Jewish president. In celebration, here in America, Taco Bell introduced the Corned Beef Taco.

Hunter Biden's jury was sworn in Monday in Delaware for lying on his federal gun application form in 1998 stating he didn't do drugs. Last week the president told CNN he stands by his son but added that no one is above the law. The next morning, Hunter had his name legally changed to No One.


