
May 7th, 2024


Wait, What!?

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published April 26, 2024

Wait, What!?

Employees of Taqueria Garibaldi restaurants in northern California got an unusual -- and unorthodox -- perk during work hours, USA Today reported.

Employees testified in court that a person who identified as a priest was called in to hear workers' "confessions."

"The priest urged workers to 'get their sins out' and asked employees if they had stolen from the employer, been late for work, had done anything to harm their employer or if they had bad intentions toward their employer," according to a release from the U.S. Department of Labor.

But the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento said it could find no connection between the alleged priest and the diocese.

An investigation found that the restaurants had denied overtime pay and threatened employees with retaliation, among other "sins," and the owners were ordered to pay $140,000 in damages and back wages. [USA Today, 6/21/2023]