
April 25th, 2024


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News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Jan. 20, 2023

News You Can Use

Five-year-olds everywhere, rejoice! You can now scream "Poop!" at Alexa and she'll respond with an actual song -- or several -- from Spotify or Amazon Music, BuzzFeed News reported.

When Joey Helpish and his partner, Kristen Muir, realized the potential of such tunes, they went to work with their music students in Oregon.

"We did a big songwriting session with these three kids," he said. "I said, 'Give me five syllables to start,' and the little 4-year-old girl screamed, 'Poopy stupid butt!'"

They added the song to Amazon Music and didn't think much more about it until they were strapped for cash and Helpish checked his account with the online music provider. The couple made about $100 a month until COVID hit and kids were home more -- to date, their income from "Poopy Stupid Butt" has amounted to about $10,000.

The composers of tunes such as "Poop Poop Poop Poop Song" by Matt Farley believe their hits are largely attributable to the preschool crowd because Amazon Music is the default music provider attached to Alexa.

"It's gotta be from Alexa," Farley said. "Amazon Music isn't something big music fans use." [BuzzFeed News]

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