
April 16th, 2024


Ours is Not to Reason Why, Ours is But to Die

Julia Gorin

By Julia Gorin

Published April 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. listens as his father speaks at the Lincoln Memorial during a Make America Great Again. Washington Post photo by Jabin Botsford

Donald Trump, Jr. recently got the treatment that most pre-millennial adults are familiar with by now when coming to an inescapable, unremarkable conclusion, in this case when he reacted to words spoken by the London mayor just six months before the attack last month on Westminster Bridge.

Trump Jr. tweeted, "You have to be kidding me?!: Terror attacks are part of living in big city, says London Mayor Sadiq Khan."

Within minutes, the ever-ready backlash was activated, with a Yahoo! "news" item reading, "Donald Trump Jr shared a link to a story in The Independent from 2016, in which Mr Khan is quoted as saying that terror attacks were 'part and parcel of living in a big city', before clarifying that 'every single agency and individual involved in protecting our city has the resources and expertise they need to respond in the event that London is attacked.'"

That is, Yahoo, which has taken editorializing -- or guiding the reader's opinion -- to new heights, wants us to believe that saying the city is prepared to respond to an attack is a 'clarification' to saying that we should accept terror.

The article by Nick Reilly went on to quote MP Wes Streeting: "You use a terrorist attack on our city to attack London's Mayor for your own political gain. You're a disgrace." (That last part was the headline.)

Streeting's tweet oozes faux indignation (if you want to talk about political gain). In contrast, where is the political gain in connecting dots between statements by public officials, and the events manifesting those statements? What political gain could Streeting be referring to, unless the Brits are so out of touch with the emotion of outrage that they're no longer capable of feeling it when appropriate, instead projecting it outward, such as toward the junior Trump. It also appears lost on Streeting that the word "disgrace" implies disgrace to what a person comes from, implying that Trump Sr. is grace. Nice to know the president has fans in London.

The overwrought reaction recalls November 2015, when actor Rob Lowe tweeted a comment that no doubt families at dinner tables everywhere made when the multiple attacks happened in Paris: "Oh NOW France closes its borders." God forbid anyone should make the obvious point that a borderless Europe was willful insanity to begin with, never mind welcoming the newfangled "refugees."

Articles about the Lowe comment casually defaulted to adjectives like "offensive" and "disgusting" in describing the tweet, lest we come to our own conclusions about it.

Lowe was defending the dead and wounded with, essentially, "Too little too late, France." But the lemmings who seem to be outnumbering the non-suicidals responded with fury: "Lowe by name, low by nature," read one tweet highlighted by UK Daily Mail, which also quoted one reading, "...You had an opportunity to express empathy and compassion. Instead you put this into the world"; another reading, "...vile, inhumane..."; and one that read, "So disappointed with the heartless tweet."

The young millennial mind and the craven press and politicians who cater to it -- essentially taking their cues from the children -- are helping create a Lord of the Flies reality for us all (run by haters of pigs, coincidentally). The press, pols, and Pampers have taken "the war on noticing" to a new level, wherein it's racist even to heed the desperate warnings of European women who can't leave their homes for fear of the mass rapes that are coming to dominate any major holiday news cycle there. The Oktoberfest turnout made news in 2016 for the lowest attendance since 9/11.

Unable to process the outrages that these times are witnessing, the Children and their servants express over-the-top outrage at the reactions to the outrages. Particularly in the face of obvious conclusions and cause-and-effect relationships. Our belighted masses want us to find some middle ground with a backward, ancient, and deranged world that presumes to exist in parallel with ours until it can subsume it.

And so here we are, with Donald Trump, Jr. -- who doesn't accept terror -- being slammed for slamming a mayor who does. Britain Channel 4's Ciaran Jenkins tweeted, "Is this helpful @DonaldJTrumpJr?"

Yes it's helpful amid the direct result of not only accepting terror, but announcing the acceptance. We didn't accept living with terror in our big cities BEFORE. Why should we NOW? What has changed? Clearly, something our officials aren't admitting to: their border and immigration policies.

When President Carter got Americans used to expecting less and being less as a country, then blamed our own inner "malaise" for our second-rate state, saying we were the ones who'd have to change, Ronald Reagan came in to say, 'Not good enough' -- and it's the government that's in a malaise.

How is Trump Jr.'s reaction to the London mayor any different, and with so much more at stake? The flaw is not in the public's reluctance to accept the reality, it's in our bureaucrats creating the conditions for that reality. Nor is it that we're not open to different people (ahem, Colin Powell); it's that our governments import murderers. As Gateway Pundit's Lucian Wintrich put it, Mayor Khan has an "'openness' towards Islamic immigrants, with no plans whatsoever to help assimilate them to Western culture." So Khan is a proponent of exacerbating the problem, then defensive about the inexorable consequences. It's enough to make a person cheer a tweet highlighted by San Diego Union-Tribune: "Tokyo: biggest city in the world...NO ISLAMIC TERRORISM."

The statement that outraged Trump Jr. would have been bad enough coming from any elected official, but then you look into Mayor Khan's background, and discover his moderate-Muslim creds: In addition to representing 9/11 terrorists as a lawyer and having a brother-in-law from the banned Al-Muhajiroun group, during the mayoral campaign last year he "shared a platform with numerous anti-Semites," Breitbart reminded in September 2016, when Khan was in New York and made the questionable comment, then endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, London's deputy police commissioner Neil Basu gave the public something else to accept: "We must all accept that there is a possibility we will never understand why [the Westminster attacker] did this. That understanding may have died with him."

The world can be such a mysterious place when you're British. Of course, we've gradually adopted this kind of non-thinking from the motherland we divorced 240 years ago. And so here too now, ours is not to reason why; ours is but to die.

It may well be that two and two will never be put together again.

Julia Gorin, a former refusenik, is a widely published opinion writer and essayist whose book "Hillarisms: The Unmaking of the First Female President" is the only original humor volume on the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.

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