
March 28th, 2025


Masks Forever

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published December 17, 2021

Masks Forever
I hate the expression "the new normal." New normal is a fake idea that the radical left wants us to buy into. There's no such thing as a "new normal." There's only normal and abnormal. Wearing masks all the time isn't normal or even "new" normal. It's abnormal and that is exactly what Democrat politicians and other socialists want us to do, act abnormal and wear masks all the time. Having us act in an abnormal way is totally in keeping with all the other abnormal things they've been pushing on us. Think of all the abnormal ideas that the "woke" progressives have introduced into the American culture. A man can magically be a woman simply by saying so, and the rest of us are supposed to acknowledge it and refer to him as a her. There aren't only two sexes (or genders as they say now) anymore; some web sites list as many as 112. White men are evil and racist not for what that have done, but because of the color of their skin.

Everything is racist. Being patriotic is racist. The Declaration of Independence is racist. Classical music is racist. Mathematics is racist. Standardized testing is racist. Opposition to Illegal immigration is racist. Border security is racist. Zoning codes are racist. Essentially anything the far left is bothered by will be considered racist. Including conservative Americans.

Criminals that are caught are quickly released without bail back into society, because to keep them in jail violates their rights. Killing murderers is wrong but killing unborn babies is fine. A person has no choice on whether to get vaccinated or not, but a woman has the right to choose to abort her baby at any time, even right up to the moment of birth


Vaccines work, so we all must get vaccinated, they say. But what about those who have been fully vaccinated and still got sick? And if vaccines work, why do we have to wear masks anyway?

And now, just this past week, the authoritarians in charge have mandated more mask wearing for more people. Even toddlers. New York has begun its latest mask requirement, forcing businesses to choose between checking the vaccination status of customers or mandating masks for all. The requirement will continue until January 15, 2022, at which time the state will "re-evaluate based on current conditions," meaning the rule could extend even further. Hey, it may go on forever, who knows?

Not to be out done by the Big Apple, California has instituted their very own mandate, which even forces toddlers to wear a mask for the next month.

This is being done as an "added layer of mitigation" against the Omicron variant they say. Never mind that public health officials have described the variant as mild. Even Fauci has said that Omicron is less severe and "the ratio between the number of infections and the number of hospitalizations seems to be less than with Delta."

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But never mind that, let's put masks on everyone from two years on up. That's right. Only those under the age of two are exempt. One year old babies don't have to wear a mask. However, there are some other exceptions. Individuals "with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a mask, and the hearing impaired" are exempt. Wait.

The hearing impaired are exempt from having to wear a mask? I wear hearing aids, am I exempt? Those with mental health issues don't have to wear a mask? Do mental health issues include those who feel stressed out? If so, that would probably include 90 percent of us these past 2 years.

Last year Fauci said the pandemic would not last "a lot longer" due to the emergence of vaccines. Public health officials told us the vaccines would be the key to returning to "normalcy." That would be true if you define "normalcy" as continued mask mandates and other draconian authoritarian dictates.

Interesting to note that Florida, which has never once had a statewide mask mandate in place, is currentlytied with Hawaii for having the lowest daily coronavirus cases per capita in the nation. But never mind. Move along. Nothing to see here.

For the liberal Democrat leaders in the blue states, masks are a thing of beauty. They have been proven to work — they work as a way of controlling the masses, they work as an instrument of intimidation through fear.

Welcome to masks forever.


