The two cases in point most recently would be, 1. exposing the progressive political leanings of Twitter and 2. the fall of crypto currency as a viable monetary exchange. I'm not a political genius or financial wizard by a long shot, but I knew these things years ago.
Regarding Twitter and actually all or most of the biggest electronic tech platforms, you would have to be living in a bubble or dead not to see that these companies have always been left-leaning support groups for the progressive Democrats. Since Trump became president it only became more apparent than ever that the Google's, Amazon's, Apple's, Facebook's,and Twitter's of the world were in league with the Democratic Party.
But it's only now, with Elon Musk's buyout of Twitter and subsequent investigations into the inner political workings of the social media giant that this so-called revelatory news is seeing the light of day. Anyone who was paying attention knew it years and years ago, still it's nice that it's coming out publicly at last.
Twitter CEO Elon Musk took to his platform last Friday evening to call out Big Tech's influence over the election process, calling such involvement "wrong" and saying it only serves to cripple democracy. Musk said, "Election interference by social media companies obviously undermines the public's faith in democracy and is wrong."
Musk went on to say that social media's preferential treatment toward one party or one party's presidential candidate should not be allowed. He's right, of course, and we all should know this.
Unfortunately, too many just don't give a damn. As one Twitter user wrote, "Twitter Files show Twitter activist employees, without basis, suppressed and censored the President of the United States in the days before the 2020 election. This is damning evidence of election interference."
Musk agreed, responding: "Unequivocally true. The evidence is clear and voluminous."
During yet another tweet, Musk plainly wrote that "there is no question that Twitter operated as a Democratic Party activist machine" during the 2020 presidential election.
And then we have the collapse of cryptocurrency giant, FTX, in what will undoubtedly turn out to be one of the biggest frauds ever committed in the finance world. Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of cryptocurrency giant FTX, defrauded investors by funneling money into his private hedge fund and conspired to commit wire fraud against customers and lenders, federal authorities said this past Tuesday.
Bankman-Fried, 30, the once-celebrated founder of FTX and 2nd largest donor to the Democratic party last year, was arrested in the Bahamas on Monday, following his indictment by a federal grand jury in the Southern District of New York on Friday, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams told reporters.
Once again, I could have told you so years ago, when Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency was first becoming "the big thing." How did I know? Well, the whole thing never made sense to me, and when something doesn't make sense, chances are it's probably because it isn't true. To begin with, I couldn't understand what it all was about.
According to Wikipedia, "A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. It is a decentralized system for verifying that the parties to a transaction have the money they claim to have, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries, such as banks, when funds are being transferred between two entities. Cryptocurrency does not exist in physical form, (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority."
See, I don't get any of that. I like good old fashioned money, you know, currency I can actually hold in my hand. It's not that I trust old fashioned banks and other established finance institutions so much, but I do trust them more than the cyber universe, whatever the hell that is.
So did it come as any surprise to me when it turned out that investors and other customers were defrauded out of billions by this cyber crook? Nope. I never believed it to begin with, so it doesn't shock me at all.
Just like it isn't surprising that the "news" media is the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and their leftist "woke" policies, there should be no surprise when you find out that throwing your real money into the cyber universe will only result in losing it. Pay attention, people. Use common sense, logic, and trust your gut.
And maybe the next time the "news" reports on some amazing new "facts," you won't be so surprised.