To paraphrase Captain Renault from "Casablanca," I'm shocked, shocked to find that Joe Biden pardoned his son! Counting Hunter, make that three turkeys that Biden pardoned this Thanksgiving. No surprises there. Joe said he wouldn't do it, but whoops, he did. My, my. The Biden crime family gets away with it once again. And Joe didn't simply pardon his son of one particular crime, oh no. The Hunter pardon covers any crime big or small that Hunter may have committed over the last 11 years! That's a blanket pardon that lasts for over a decade.
And people are betting that Biden is going to pardon his brother too, before his presidency ends. Realize that in so doing Joe has protected himself as well. The whole thing is so obviously corrupt and disgusting you have to be a total partisan or a total moron not to see it. When Joe Biden said, "nobody is above the law" he meant except for the Biden family.
President Trump's team made this statement concerning the pardon:
First, 51 "intelligence experts" told us the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian misinformation.
Then, they tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal to avoid convicting him for his obvious corruption.
And now, after repeatedly telling the American people it would NEVER HAPPEN, "the big guy" issues the broadest pardon in this nation's history for his son Hunter.
Joe Biden LIED about discussing business with his son.
Joe Biden LIED about getting paid by Communist China.
Joe Biden LIED about selling the ‘Biden brand' to cut deals.
But the most insulting part? Crooked Joe Biden oversaw a Department of Justice that harassed and imprisoned President Trump and his allies over the past four years.
In an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "His Pardon Lies Were Pure Biden," columnist Holman W. Jenkins wrote, "Out goes one of the most cynical and shallow presidencies in history, that of Joe Biden. I refer to the "presidency" rather than the "president" because Mr. Biden isn't the sole author of his political strategy. On MSNBC the Trump-hostile former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh might as well have been summarizing the entire Biden record and not merely this week's Hunter Biden pardon when he said it "politically only strengthens Trump."
But nobody should be surprised that Joe Biden is a liar. He's been a liar all his life. His plagiarism is well known. From the time he was a student in law school throughout his entire career in government he has stolen the words and sometimes entire texts from others. In 1987, he was forced out of the presidential race when he was caught stealing lines of British politician Neil Kinnock's speeches. Maybe worse, he also mimicked some of Kinnock's mannerisms in a style a reporter at the time called "creepy." Political author Richard Ben Cramer said Biden knew what he was doing and even had a video of Kinnock to study.
Throughout his time as president he's been lying about just about everything. The list is a long one. In his statement concerning the pardoning of his son, Biden said, "For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth." Actually, for his entire career, including his four years in the White House, Biden has done the complete opposite. He has looked squarely into the camera and lied to the country continually, from minor personal events to major issues concerning our economy, foreign affairs, crime, and the open border. Americans finally saw through this and decided that enough was enough.
All politicians are concerned about their legacy when they leave office. Biden's legacy will be a simple one. He will go down as a phony, lying, feebleminded crook who did nothing as senator, but did great damage to America in the four years he served as president..