
March 28th, 2025


Top Ten Turkey List For 2024

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Nov. 29, 2024


Kamala Harris: The epitome of what a DEI appointee represents; hired because of race and gender, not merit, talent, or ability. A totally unprepared, unqualified, unlikable career politician who the Democrats actually thought they could get over on the American people. She was a cackling, disgraceful candidate for president. An embarrassment.

Tim Walz: Yet another embarrassment and an out and out jerk. Ironically came on the scene by calling Trump and Vance "weird" when it was evident he was the really weird one.

Barack Obama: Totally lost any semblance of credibility and good judgement by actively endorsing and campaigning for Kamala Harris. By so doing, he only proved to the world what a hack partisan he really is.

Oprah Winfrey: See above. Also she (or her production company, it’s the same thing) was paid millions by the Harris campaign for her so-called "interview" and endorsement.

Liz Cheney: A sad, stupid outcast. A politician without a party, without supporters, without a clue. All she has is a grudge large enough to choke a horse.

Bruce Springsteen: Has shown that he has zero influence with the voters, let alone his fan base. Nobody cares what he thinks politically, if he thinks at all. Another example of pairing an ego run wild with an empty head.

Taylor Swift: See above.

Beyonce: See above.

Julia Roberts: See above.

James Taylor: See above.

Eminem: See above.

Harrison Ford: See above

LeBron James: See above.

Harrison Ford: See above

Lady Gaga: See above.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: See above.

Leonardo DiCaprio: See above.

Samuel L. Jackson: See above.

Ben Stiller: See above.

Senile, lying Joe Biden: The perfect fool. 50 years in government and no accomplishments except for making his family rich by corrupt means. An empty suit political hack who did what he was told to do by his puppet masters and made our country all the worse for it.

Main stream, legacy media: CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and most other news outlets both national and local have committed suicide by serving up lies, half-truths, and distortions for years which have done serious, irreparable damage to the country at large and to the credibility of the American press. Donald Trump has been proven right when he coined the term, "fake news."

Late night TV show "comedians": Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and others have ceased to be funny (if they ever were). They have made the decision to jump on the political bandwagon and push the leftist agenda instead of telling jokes and doing sketches that all Americans can laugh at, as did Johnny Carson, Steve Allen, and Jay Leno. Bob Hope did political humor, but he was even handed about it. You never felt that Hope had an agenda or was trying to destroy anyone as these new guys seem to want to do.

Well, that’s my top ten turkey list for this season. I know there are more than ten on the list, but once I got started it was hard to stop. And the only reason I stopped now, is because it’s time for dinner.

Forgive me.


