
March 28th, 2025


Thanksgiving Leftovers

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Nov. 25, 2022

Why is the big shopping day after Thanksgiving called "Black Friday?" What does black have to do with going out and doing major shopping for the holidays?

According to the Britannica web site the term dates back to the early 1960s, when police officers in Philadelphia began using the phrase "Black Friday" to describe the chaos that resulted when large numbers of suburban tourists came into the city to begin their holiday shopping and, in some years, attend Saturday’s annual Army-Navy football game.

The huge crowds created a headache for the police, who worked longer shifts than usual as they dealt with traffic jams, accidents, shoplifting, and other issues. Before long the name Black Friday became a common reference for the first shopping day after Thanksgiving when everyone went a little nuts and ran out to the stores for bargains and sale items.

But as far as I’m concerned, Black Friday was obviously coined by racist, Philadelphia police officers. They didn’t have to name it "black," they could just as easily have called it Crazy Friday or Frantic Friday. Or even White Friday, how about that? But no, they chose to blame the black community once again for something they had nothing to do with. I’m sorry, but Black Friday is a colonial, white, racist term used to denigrate and insult an entire race of people. And I refuse to participate in any event as loathsome and disgusting as this.

I will not contribute to such a blatantly ugly hateful day. That is why I will not be going shopping on that Friday following Thanksgiving in Philadelphia. A man must make a stand at some point in his life. This is mine.

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How come so many people who profess loving turkey so much, will avoid eating any part of the bird except for the white meat? Are we, once again, experiencing racism? What is the problem with dark meat for these ignorant, racist people? Dark meat is juicy, delicious, and just as valid nutritionally as the white meat. But some folks just want to keep dark meat off the dinner table while they hold white meat up to a higher standard.

Restaurants regularly charge more for a 100% white meat turkey sandwich then one made with dark meat. Putting a higher price on white over dark is not exactly diversity in dining, I would say. And you might have noticed that most turkey sandwiches are made with white bread, not pumpernickel. That little fact speaks volumes on our despicable discriminatory cuisine. Yuck! If there’s one thing I really can’t stand, it’s racist eating habits.

Speaking of turkeys, have you ever noticed that vegans often eat their plant-based garbage in shapes and formations that resemble animal-based food? Why the hell do they do that? If you’re a vegan and are dead set against killing animals for food, why would you want to eat something that looks like the animal you don’t want to eat? They even give their plant products "meat" names.

But giving their plants meat names doesn’t make the plants meat. Calling my Ford a Rolls Royce doesn’t make it a $300,000 luxury car. We’re not supposed to call sports teams by American Indian names anymore, that is considered cultural appropriation. So why isn’t calling plants by meat names considered animal appropriation?

They make Tofurky, a fake turkey that looks like a real bird and is supposed to taste like the real thing. They make dairy-free blue cheese, veggie burgers, and spicy Chik’n patties. And plant-based Italian sausages, mini corn dogs, bacon, tuna, ham, and roast beef. All looking like the thing you’re not supposed to eat! Look, I don’t want to eat cockroaches or anything that looks like cockroaches, even if it’s made out of something I like.

It’s all so disingenuous. You want to eat tofu, kale, fava beans, rice, soybeans, and mushrooms? Eat them the way they really look and stop pretending they’re something else. And let the rest of us alone to enjoy our REAL FOOD! Even if it’s just white meat.


