
March 28th, 2025


Sad Reality

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Nov. 21, 2022

How many Republicans are shocked and disappointed that the so called red wave never came about? What are we to make of the dismal Republican results of the midterms? What I'm about to write I've said before, so it should come as no surprise to faithful readers of this space.

Unlike many or most of the chattering pundits who have been analyzing this thing, I do not attribute the Republican/conservative losses to Trump's endorsement of weak candidates nor to the lack of independent voters. It goes much deeper than that.

There are two causes for the Republican losses. One is the cheating factor, which has always been with us throughout our voting history to one degree or another, but has been greatly exacerbated since 2020 when voting rules were changed to allow for massive mail-ins, voting boxes on street corners and extended time for counting ballots. This relaxation of voting procedure tends to skew in the Democrats' favor to a large degree.

But the second cause is the most disturbing and has been building for a long time. Decades, actually. You won't like it, but here it is. It's too late for conservatives to hold power in our country because they've lost the culture war battle for the minds and hearts of the younger generations. By younger generations I mean people born after 1980. No longer do conservatives have any influence through news media, the schools, religion, entertainment, sports, or really anything else in our culture that counts.

Think about it. For the last two or three generations our young people have been indoctrinated by leftist thinking and ideology. The breakdown of traditional values in religion, family and education began in the 1960's and has continued to erode ever since.

Personal virtues like individual responsibility, honor, courtesy, respect for others, moral decency, hard work and simply being a good person have been replaced with "feel good" self-centered group-think.

Global warming, embracing multiculturism (as long as it doesn't include traditional American culture), elevating mediocrity, devaluating excellence and rewriting history are what has been taught and continues to be taught in our schools and universities,

The last fifty years have seen a decline in American religion like never before. A recent study by the American Enterprise Institute shows a steady erosion of religious affiliation and the corresponding rise of atheism and agnosticism. Generation Z (born 1997 to 2012) is the least religious in our history, with 34% reporting that they aren't affiliated with a church, synagogue or another religious body. That's nine points higher than for Generation X and five points higher than millennials.

Don Feder writing in The Washington Times said, "The growth of secularism is one more cause for anxiety about the future of our republic. Alexis de Tocqueville, that astute observer of early 19th-century America, said he found the genius of our young republic in the moral voice of its churches. Today, that voice is increasingly silenced."

Popular movies, television, music, and publications have played a major role in this decline by the way they portray traditional religion. "Unless it's the religion of the left (renewable energy cultism, G od-made-me-transgendered and perpetual penance for the sin of being born white and male), Hollywood portrays the religious as superstitious bumpkins or hate-filled fanatics," Feder writes.

"Disbelief is taught in our schools, from elementary to university. You can't say "G od" in the public schools, but you can discuss the Darwinian theory of evolution and talk about the way religion has led to brutality and slaughter over millennia of recorded history."

"The more religious you are, the more likely to vote Republican. Since you have a father in heaven, you don't need one in Washington. According to Pew Research, in 2020, 59% of those who attend religious services monthly or more often voted for former President Donald Trump."

Feder ends with, "Civilizations have always been based on a coherent belief system. The loss of faith could be a death sentence for ours in the West. What took millennia to achieve could be lost overnight."

Then there is the crumbling family structure. According to the Pew Research Center, the traditional American family structure has been significantly altered in many ways: Cohabitationis on the rise, more adults are delaying or forgoing marriage entirely, a growing share of children areliving with an unmarried parent, and same-sex marriage islegal in all 50 states.

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Now consider that the United States has seen a large increase in the rate of illegitimacy, from about 150,000 illegitimate babies born in 1950 to 1,150,000 in 1990. More than 40% of all births in the U.S. today are born to unwed mothers. Too many children are growing up without a father in the house. Children grow up surrounded by leftist doctrine from the time they are born. If they don't he

ar it in the home, they certainly hear it through popular entertainment, mainstream news, and in their schools from kindergarten up. They are taught that America is an evil racist country and always has been. They are taught that white European people (men primarily) are bad and systemically racist. They are taught that there are many more than just two sexes and yes, even men can give birth.

All of this has been going on for years and Americans with traditional values and high morals have simply sat back and allowed it to happen. Once Marxist, anti-American, anti-Western dogma took over the schools, the press, and popular entertainment it was only a matter of time before they controlled the new generations growing up, which translates to voters.

So are you still "shocked" that Republicans lost another election cycle? If you are, then you haven't been paying attention to what has been happening in this country for over 5 decades.


