. All the new election laws across the country were put into place before the 2020 presidential contest, supposedly, because of the Covid scare.
Americans were told that changes to established election rules were necessary because people were afraid of getting sick and possibly dying if they went to their polling place to vote on Election Day.
That is why we must make it "easier" for everyone to cast a vote, it was said. So voting became easier. And so did cheating. It is commonly understood, that when voting rules are relaxed, the Democrats come out ahead.
As Rep. Jim Jorden pointed out, "We know that five states, some of the five key states that were critical in this election (2020), changed their election law in an unconstitutional fashion."Ê To cite one example of cheating, consider what happened in Mesa County, where illegal multiple databases were discovered which effectively broke the chain of evidence, enabling election officials to manipulate ballots and vote count. Now multiply that with counties all across the country.
About 70% of theÊmore than 150 million votesÊcast in the 2020 election were castÊbeforeÊElection Day. More and longer periods for voting by mail, drop off boxes for ballots on street corners and other places, longer periods for early in-person voting, so-called no-excuse mail voting, and longer times to count ballots all added up to more opportunity for voter fraud. And nothing has changed since 2020.
This mid-term election, if nothing else, has looser election laws then ever. We still don't have standardized voter ID laws nationally. There are 16 states that do not require ID to vote. States that do not require any form of ID at the ballot box:ÊCalifornia,ÊDistrict of Columbia,ÊIllinois,ÊMaine,ÊMaryland,ÊMassachusetts,ÊMinnesota,ÊNebraska,ÊNevada,ÊNew Jersey,ÊNew Mexico,ÊNew York,ÊOregon,ÊPennsylvania,ÊVermont, andÊWyoming. Just walk right in and vote your brains out.
Since Biden and the Dems have had control of our government our economy has tanked big time, inflation is at a 40 year high, the stock market is in terrible shape, prices have skyrocketed including a doubling of gasoline prices at the pump, the supply chain continues to be broken, the border crisis is at its worst, and crime has gotten totally out of hand as progressive DAs continue to let felons out and keep law enforcement from doing their job.
Our country was humiliated when Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan last year during one of the worst military surrenders in our history. Consumer confidence is at an all-time low, Biden's approval numbers continue to sink, and Congress has a 65% disapproval rate, with over 67% of those polled saying our country is on the wrong track. In general most people have an unfavorable opinion of all political leaders currently holding office.
Knowing that the overwhelming evidence is that Americans are fed up with the way things have been going over the last two years, it would make sense that they would vote for a change.
Since things have gotten so bad in our country, one would think that this coming mid-term election will be a landslide for Republicans. All the smart people say it will be a red wave. And if everything went legitimately, it looks like it certainly would be.
But sad to say, since the Dems have established and retained new voting rules in their favor there are no guarantees of a Republican sweep in this or any other election until the voting laws return to normal, meaning before the Covid scare.
But in my memory, things have never been as bad in our country as they are now, and most people agree.
If nothing else this election will prove one important thing, if Republicans do not have overwhelming victories this time, under these extraordinary circumstances, then there remains no doubt in my mind that the Dems are committing voter fraud on a major scale.
It is simply impossible to have the kind of negative numbers that the Dems have and get re-elected. That happens only in third-world banana republics and authoritarian regimes.
Anything less than a major victory for Republicans will spell disaster and the end of our way of life as we've known it for almost two hundred and fifty years. It will prove that the forces of evil have at last succeeded in taking total charge of our nation.
Let's see what happens this coming week.