That's right, it's all Trump's fault. Not that he ever wanted or believed in Socialism, mind you, actually it's just the opposite, he's against it. And that's all it took.
Early on the decision was made that anything President Trump was for they would be against. Before Trump became president the Dems were talking about securing the border, including the possibility of a wall. As soon as Trump took up the cause, suddenly they were against it.
Taking the opposing side of anything President Trump supported became the de facto operating procedure for the Dems. So, when President Trump declared that the United States would never turn Socialist, well, that was all it took to ramp up the left full speed ahead to all things Socialistic.
When President Trump embraced our American history and founding fathers that's when all of a sudden you saw statues and monuments being desecrated and torn down and you started hearing about Critical Race Theory as a legitimate ideology.
The slow slide leftward began long before Donald Trump ever thought about running for president. Actually, it started many decades ago, but it accelerated under Trump. During the 2016 campaign and well before the election the left painted Trump as the face of white supremacy and racism. He was worse than Hitler, the devil incarnate. Hillary Clinton and her campaign began the Trump/Russia collusion lies which the media willingly jumped on and propagated for four years.
The left always hated what America stood for. They looked down their progressive noses at the flag-waving middle class. They despised traditional American ethos such as hard work, religious values, family, patriotism, and individual responsibility. The left never respected American history or our founding principles. They looked to tear down or remake our fundamental institutions. The left has always twisted and spun the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to their own ends. They've always hated conservative Americans.
And then along came Donald Trump and gave the left what they'd been waiting for: the face of middle-class America. At last they had a target, one person whom they could paint with their "nationalistic" hate brush. He was a man. He was white. He was rich. He was a patriot. He wanted to "put America first." He wanted to "Make America Great Again." He was the left's perfect scapegoat for the millions of middle-class white boobs across America, all the suckers who honored and admired George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson.
Sadly, much of the hateful lies spread by the Democrats and their obedient servants in the media has worked. Too many have bought in to the "America is bad and needs to be changed" philosophy. Remember, not everyone has the time nor the inclination to research and think through all the tripe that the left feeds us day in and day out across the country, in the news, in our entertainment, in our publications, in our schools, and in our work places.
White people are oppressors, black and brown people are the oppressed. Period. America was founded on the principle of enslavement of the blacks. Period. If you are white, you are a white supremacist. No matter if you're rich or poor, young or old, if you're white you are a racist and evil. Period. This is the basis of Critical Race Theory.
Colleges and universities have been teaching this for a long time, and now it is being introduced to children in public schools from coast to coast. White kids go home thinking "I'm an oppressor" and black kids go home thinking "I'm oppressed." What a great way to pit children against each other! What a perfect way to load kids up with negative baggage, guilt, and defeatism for the rest of their lives!
Thank Heaven many parents are finally starting to wise up to this claptrap and are pushing back on progressive school boards. But the leftist curriculum taught in our public schools goes way beyond just CRT teaching, it includes all aspects of anti-America, Marxist ideology, from transgender LGBTQIA, to leftist climate change, to open borders, to decriminalizing criminals. And just about anything else the left is pushing for.
So, if you've looked around lately, say in the last five to ten years or so, and you can't seem to recognize your country anymore there's a very good reason for it. America has been taken hostage by the anti-Americans. To paraphrase the famous Oldsmobile advertising line, "This is not your founding father's America."