
March 28th, 2025


Can We Bring Back Honesty in Voting?

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published November 5, 2021

Can We Bring Back Honesty in Voting?
With each new election cycle, I cringe.

Ever since the 2020 presidential election when voting rules were drastically altered allowing people to vote without proper I.D., establishing long early voting schedules, extended mail-ins, collection boxes on the corner, late arrivals, and vote counting during the dead of night without oversight, I just about gave up.

The idea of "voting day" for all intents and purposes was over, and wide-open weeks-long vote counting made it almost a guarantee of voter fraud. And surprise, surprise always in favor of the Democrats.

Why more people don't question the fact that the new, lax voting rules have resulted in giving Democrats the edge over Republicans is proof that too many of us aren't paying attention. Interesting, isn't it, that when boxes containing hundreds or more uncounted votes are discovered they're always Democrat votes. Why is it that extended vote counting always ends with a Democrat victory? How does that happen unless there is cheating involved? Answer: it doesn't.

Leftists don't play by the same rules that conservatives play by. Most conservatives, by and large, have a closer relationship with honesty and fair play then do those on the left. Cheating, lying, and stealing is a part of who the left is. Does that mean that no conservative has ever lied or cheated? Of course not.

But the cheating and lying gene is much more prevalent on the left. The left, by definition, have abandoned traditional religious virtues including the Ten Commandments. A person who has no moral compass is more apt to break rules and engage in fraud then a person who has personal honor and virtue.

It is for this reason that it is imperative for this country to reestablish the time honored "voting day" tradition. One day to vote and one polling place to vote at. Period. Yes, some reasonable absentee voting can be counted, but no more open-ended stuff. And voter I.D. must be the law of the land. Why the hell it isn't is beyond comprehension. If I need an I.D. to buy a drink, or to cash a check, or do thousands of other things in life, then presenting identification that you are who you claim to be in order to vote is not asking much.

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I have tried to hold my emotions in check when elections are held in other states, such as the important gubernatorial elections this past Tuesday in New Jersey and Virginia. Knowing how the system can be rigged makes me sick so I close my eyes, hold my breath and hope for the best.

As I write this column it appears that Republican Glenn Youngkin has indeed won the Virginia governor's race over Democrat Terry McAuliffe. Although McAuliffe has conceded and most of the media has called it for Youngkin, I'm still holding my breath. Experience has taught me that when dealing with crooked ideologues, anything can happen and often does.

But if things stay as they are, this is a very big deal for Republicans. Youngkin's victory over Terry McAuliffe will have come in a state President Biden won by 10 points in 2020.

And remember, McAuliffe had Biden, Harris, and Obama all coming into Virginia campaigning for him. That certainly tells us a lot about the pull, or lack thereof, of those Democrat icons. It also seems like Virginia could be a clean sweep for Republicans with the Attorney General and Lt. Governor races going red as well. If it does, this is historic and might bode well for Republicans for the 2022 elections in the Senate and House.

As far as New Jersey goes, well, anything goes. So far it is a very close race, all tied up, and might very well drag out for days before a winner is called. But we'll see what happens.

Even as I'm happy with the way this one seems to be going, I have a lot of trepidations for next time. WE MUST change our voting laws back to pre-2020 rules if we ever want to see honesty in our voting process.


