Mark Penn, chairman of the Harris poll wrote the following. "The midterms will almost certainly bring a Republican House, but that alone will not solve the problem. The midterms will also mark the beginning of the next presidential campaign, and the next president will undoubtedly be the one who has a credible plan for restoring prosperity to America after the mess that has been created."
Lanny Davis, long time Democrat operative wrote in the Hill, "It's not too late.?The World Series still remains for ads -- and for all Democratic funding groups, from the congressional committees to the grassroots? -- to fund this focused message: The Republicans imply that Democrats are soft on crime and they are tough on crime.?That is a lie -- and they know it is a lie. To me, the best person to repeat that message on these ads in a quiet, live statement into the TV cameras on election eve 2022 would be the president who represents?decency, goodness?and integrity, even?to?many Republicans who disagree with his policies: Joe Biden."
Now read Conrad Black, writing in The Epoch Times, "All indications now are that the Democrats are finally about to pay for using hate of Donald Trump as a substitute for governing for two years, just as, for four years prior to that, they used Trump hate as a substitute for normal opposition. The entire fabric of myths, frauds, and defamations that the national political media have conveniently held up as a safety net for the Democratic Party and this terribly incompetent administration is about to disappear."
And Politico writes, "And with democracy itself under threat in these midterms, a handful of Democrats are actually predicting high Black turnout: "People are going to show up at record, handsome, historic form in this midterm election," said Antjuan Seawright, a Democratic strategist who has joined the Democratic National Committee on its national bus tour to get out the vote."
Don't forget this one by Charles Lipson, "On criminal justice issues, Americans see sharp differences between the two major political parties. They know Republicans have long favored more support for law enforcement, more funding, and more policies like "broken windows" policing, which seek to reduce crime by punishing minor offenses before the perpetrators succeed and move on to larger ones. They know Democrats have consistently opposed these policies and dismantled them in cities they govern. They can see the results for themselves.
The Democrats' message on crime is failing for another reason: They control the cities where crime is rampant. Voters around the country see the connection, and it hurts Democrats everywhere. Voters want to change policies. They want much better public safety, fairly administered. They are sick of virtue signaling, wishful thinking, and criminals released to repeat their offenses. That's what they are saying to pollsters. Soon, that's what they will say at the ballot box."
Actually none of what is said or written really matters much. You can speculate all day long and it means nothing. The only thing that means anything is voting.
Yes, I know that the Dems have changed the rules of voting in the past couple of election cycles, increasing the time allowed for when votes can be counted, where ballots can be dropped off, and lots of other things that give Dems the edge.
Until the rules are rolled back to before the pandemic, better oversight is used when counting, and voter I.D.'s is established across the nation, elections will stay heavily on the side of the cheaters, namely the Democrats.
All the more reason why Republican and Independent voters need to get out in droves and vote. If turnout is strong enough against the Dems, they can be defeated. But don't take anything for granted.
Vote, vote, vote, vote!