Secretary of State Blinken spoke to a United Nations Security Council meeting concerning the Middle East conflict this week and once again, we have our administration trying to have it both ways. Yes, they support Israel's right to defend itself, but don't hit back too hard because some innocent Palestinians could be hurt or killed.
Since the Gaza invasion on October 7th of Israel, Biden and his handlers have been playing both sides against the middle. And by the way, the attack was definitely an invasion by the government of Gaza into Israel. Remember, the so-called Palestinians living in Gaza elected Hamas as their ruling government. Hamas represents the Palestinians the same way that the Nazis represented the Germans during World War II.
Blinken began with the right tone, but it ended weakly. He called on the international community to recognize that Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas' "barbaric terrorist attack." He spoke of the atrocities committed by Hamas then said, "Where is the outrage? Where is the revulsion? Where is the rejection? Where is the explicit condemnation of these horrors? We must affirm the right of any nation to defend itself and to prevent such horror from repeating itself. No member of this council, no nation in this entire body could or would tolerate the slaughter of its people."
So far so good, right? But then Blinken addressed concerns from the Palestinians and other foreign officials over Israel's bombardment of Gaza and the Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire. Never mind that this whole thing started with Hamas crossing into Israel and going on a rampage of murder, rape, torture, and beheading of innocent Israeli (along with American) civilians.
"Palestinian civilians must be protected. That means Hamas must cease using them as human shields," he said. That was good, but then he also called on Israel to restart the flow of food, water, medicine and other essential humanitarian assistance into Gaza and to ensure that civilians can "get out of harm's way." So here we go again. It's up to Israel to keep its enemies safe, healthy, and well-fed.
By all polls taken and by all written documents obtained, most Palestinians (which are nothing more than Arabs living in Gaza) are supportive of Hamas' goal of destroying the state of Israel and killing the Jews. The media never says this, and of course the Biden administration would never say it in a thousand years, but it is absolutely true and has been since the founding of Israel. They teach this to their children and have said it out loud.
Did America and its allies send German civilians food, water, medicine and other humanitarian assistance while we were at war against the Nazis? And was it our responsibility to ensure German civilians were out of "harm's way?" Uh, no. That would have been giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Although we never deliberately targeted civilians, we didn't spend a lot of time figuring out ways to make absolutely sure no innocent civilian was hurt. In war that is impossible. Our goal then was to defeat the German regime at all costs. We demanded nothing less than total unconditional surrender. The same for the Japanese. We fought with everything we had until our enemies were completely defeated. Only then did we turn our attention to helping the civilians of those countries. Only after we won the war. An important distinction.
Another little fact that is never mentioned by anyone is that the Arab Israeli conflict is not about land. It never was. As uncomfortable as it is to say so, this thing is a holy war. It is extremist Muslims against all other people, especially the Jews. Islamists simply cannot abide with having Jews living in the Middle East. Period. Their chant, "Palestine from the river to the sea" refers to the Jorden River to the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is smack in the middle of that. So in other words, they're calling for the extermination of the Jews and the Jewish state.
Israel (and I would hope the U.S.) must focus on defeating the Islamist faction of the Arabs who want to control the Middle East, and by the way, the world. It won't be an easy thing or a quick thing to accomplish, but it will never happen if the United States keeps holding Israel back and continues supplying the enemy (including Iran) with money, food, and other assistance. Bad enough Biden and the U.N. is engaged in that, but making Israel a part of it too is despicable, self-destructive, and plain stupid.
It is well past time to get serious and honest about what is really going on in the Middle East and what the consequences are to Western Civilization if we don't act and act fast.