President-in-name-only Biden went to Israel to speak with Netanyahu. He also planned to speak with Arab leaders as well, but they said, "uh, no." Another humiliation in a long line of humiliations for this sorry piece of dreck.
I haven't a clue what Biden said to Netanyahu, but I have a pretty good idea it wasn't "Okay, Bibi, give 'em hell, man!" More likely it was "don't," which is his favorite word these days.
After the worst terrorist attack in Israel's history, the feckless American president says that he stands with Israel. Yes, he stands with Israel while he holds their hands behind their back. I'm sure that's why Israel hasn't gone into Gaza full bore in retaliation after more than 12 days since she was attacked.
With each day that passes the terrorists, the leftist media, the Marxists on college campuses, and all other Jew haters grow stronger and spread their antisemitic lies out to the world. With each day that passes and Israel delays fighting back in a meaningful way to destroy Hamas once and for all, as they said they would do, it is less likely that will ever happen.
The majority of the world, sadly, is leftist and tends to look upon Israel as the imperialistic occupier. Anyone who knows history knows this is a lie. But how many bother with history anymore? Certainly not in American public schools or on college campuses. And not in newsrooms.
So the pressure will mount on Israel to pull back. The murderers will chant "Two-state solution" or "Return Palestine to the Palestinians" or "Death to the Jews" or "Hitler was right" or whatever other antisemitic mottos they come up with. The world will turn, as it always seems to do, against the Jewish people. The United Nations will condemn Israel for war crimes. Our wonderful fair and balanced news media will run videos of poor Palestinians getting blown up.
With every day that passes people will forget the monstrous slaughter, decapitation, rape, and mutilation of Jewish babies, mothers, grandmothers and other innocents on October 6th. Calls for a cease fire will ring around the world. And in the end it will become impossible for Israel to eradicate the Hamas terror organization without looking like the evil monsters who are out to kill innocent Arabs.
Once again the victims will be painted as the "evil occupiers" who are getting what they deserve. It makes me sick that our world has devolved into such an upside-down soulless place. We live in a world without a clear understanding of good and evil. I can only blame the lack of biblical values to this. Western civilization is on its knees and fighting for its life. Just as Israel is. Just as the Jewish people are, and have been for centuries upon centuries.
The situation is beyond depressing. There seems to be no easy answer to this. But if Israel pulls back, if they don't go forward with their promise to kill all of Hamas, then the terrorists win, will become emboldened, and will continue their reign of atrocities for years and decades to come.
But if I were the president of the United States I would tell Israel to go at it. RIGHT AWAY! You have nothing to lose at this point. The world will make you the villain no matter what you do, so you might as well get in it with all you've got. Decimate Gaza. Completely. Blow Hezbollah off the face of the Earth. And bomb the hell out of Iran. Bomb the oil fields. Bomb their nuclear facilities. Keep going with all your strength. Use all you have. Show the world once and for all that "never again" actually means something.
Do not delay, Israel. You have no other choice.