
March 7th, 2025


Biden Cowardice and Appeasement Continues

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published October 13, 2023

Biden Cowardice and Appeasement Continues


Tuesday morning I, like many other Americans, awoke to the news that finally, after more than 3 days of silence, President Biden will be addressing the nation on the invasion of Israel by Hamas. He spoke briefly on Saturday, then that evening hosted a BBQ party for his staff. Then he went missing for the next 72 plus hours.

Much information has come out since Saturday regarding the hundreds of atrocities that the civilian Jewish population has suffered at the barbaric hands of these Islamic terrorists.

Gut-wrenching reports and videos of innocents being slaughtered, tortured, raped, and desecrated have been broadcast for three days. More than 1,000 Jews murdered including children, infants, and even pet dogs.

There is no doubt, none whatsoever, that Iran masterminded the invasion and the atrocities that followed.

Reliable sources including The Wall Street Journal have reported that Iran involvement and co-ordination has been in the planning for months.

Now Israel will fight back, as it always does, but this time, even more so. It has been pulled into a new level of war, even considering all the other conflicts of the past 75 years of its existence.

Israel is fighting for its life, actually fighting for the lives of all Jewish people. Remember, the murderous intentions of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran is not about land. It never was. It is about the extermination of Jews.

When Biden first spoke last Saturday, he said that America's support for Israel is "rock solid," and that Israel has the right to defend itself. He condemned the violence on Israelis by the terrorists. He never spoke of Iran. He never got specific as to how America will help Israel.

In my opinion he said only the absolute minimal of what any reasonable president could say. There were no strong words against the evil forces of Islamic terrorism conducted by the Iranian regime.

So when we heard that after so many days had passed, he would be speaking again this morning, we waited to hear more. What we heard was more about the horrors. He talked about the heartbreaking deaths of so many Jews. He said once again that America will support Israel. Good words. But then he made it, as he always does, all about himself.

He spoke about the time fifty years ago when he met with Golda Meir and what she said to him. Really? Considering all he makes up about his life, I think his meeting with Golda Meir is another one of his lies.

Biden never gave any details on how we will support Israel.

He never mentioned the 6 billion dollars that his administration gave to Iran, which undoubtedly helped fund Hamas, or if it will be taken back. He never mentioned Iran at all.

He never said what will be done to rescue the 20 plus American hostages that are being held by Hamas.

Biden is less than a nothing. Biden is a liar, a coward, and a person without a soul. He is a political animal and has been all of his life.

It goes without saying that he is weak and corrupt. Very sadly he is not the leader Israel and America needs at this crucial time. He is absolutely the wrong person to be in that office.

Furthermore, there is a case to be made that this entire thing is part of a bigger plan by the Leftist, Marxists to bring about the destruction of Western Culture.

Is it a coincidence that our border has not been secure for years and that millions of migrants from dozens of countries, including Middle Eastern countries, have been streaming across while at the same time Islamic extremists attack Israel? It does look like there is a systematic design to all this.

It was obvious to me a long time ago that Obama was anti-Israel. Biden, who is Obama's disciple and employs many of Obama's people in his administration, is probably just as anti-Israel as his boss was. At best he is a stupid enabling stooge. At worst he is in on it.

This is not a good situation, folks. God help and protect Israel. And G od help and protect America from its enemies from within as well as abroad.


