
March 7th, 2025


The Problem

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Oct. 11, 2024

The Problem


If everything under the sun was logical, if common sense were truly common to all, if real truth was evident to all people, what a wonderful world this would be. Unfortunately we don't happen to live in such a world. We don't live in a country where sanity, reason, and logic occupy the space between the ears of most of our fellow Americans. Or to put it simply, too many of us are stupid.

We see it almost daily, at every turn, we witness the witless among us at work proving again and again just how ignorant and brain dead they are. It's almost incomprehensible and more than a little frightening just how feebleminded so many can be. What's even scarier is the realization that the stupid people amongst us make up the majority of our society. Add evil and selfishness into the mix and you have a triple-threat of a problem. However, once you understand the problem things begin to make sense. It explains how so many thousands of antisemites can celebrate October 7th by chanting "Death to the Jews" on college campuses and in our streets. Think of it.

Tens of thousands of supposedly well-educated young Americans celebrating the murders of Jewish people, calling for their extermination and doing so with blatant arrogance and self-righteous bravado. Unashamedly antisemitic. They brazenly spew their venomous hatred encouraging violence. And it is happening in the United States of America in 2024. And nobody stops them.

Stupidity explains why the presidential election is too close to call. If all things made sense, if logic and common sense and reason were prevalent in the make-up of the vast majority of the voting public, we wouldn't have a close election at all. It would be a runaway landslide victory for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was president for four years. He has a track record of success. He didn't use lawfare against his opponents, he didn't end democracy. He put more people of every race, ethnicity and persuasion to work. Inflation was nonexistent. He brought back manufacturing to our shores. He made our country energy self-sufficient. The economy was roaring. He had our southern border under control. There was peace in the Middle East, and no new wars under his watch.

Kamala Harris has no record of achievement and no experience, other than supporting everything Biden did in his presidency. She has shown no vision nor intelligence regarding the major policy issues of our time. She is a hard core lifelong leftist and has hidden that from the public. She cannot speak without a teleprompter or memorized platitudes. She cannot talk extemporaneously without falling into the word salad nonsense that she is known for and sounding like an idiot. Harris was crowned the Democratic candidate without ever entering a primary or winning a single delegate by vote. Some 14 million Democrat primary voters were reduced to irrelevance. She is running for president because Biden couldn't. She is there only because of the fact that she is a black/Indian/woman. She has no other qualifications for becoming the president of the United States. If she wins she will giggle her way into the highest office in the land. She will be the leader of the free world.

And if that happens, it will be because a very stupid electorate voter her in. Granted, underhanded shenanigans might conceivably play a part in the election as well. But ultimately, if Kamala Harris wins the election it will happen thanks to stupid, stupid people who really don't know what in the hell they are doing. In the name of "preserving democracy" they will have had a hand in destroying it.

Welcome to the United States of America in the presidential election year of 2024.


