
March 28th, 2025


A Gift to Dems

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published October 09, 2023

A Gift to Dems


Wow. Well, that's the end of Kevin McCarthy.

As reported by the Associate Press, ÒSpeaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown — a first in U.S. history, forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives and throwing the House and its Republican leadership into chaos."

Not since Edger Bergen died has a McCarthy been silenced so completely. (For those under 70 years old: Bergen was a popular radio ventriloquist, Charlie McCarthy was his dummy.)

And it only took 8 members to do the silencing out of 218 Republicans. The majority lost big time.

Conservatives are split over whether this "nuclear" ouster is a good or bad thing for the party. As far as I can see, it can't do any good.

Most people don't follow politics, if they know anything at all, they only know the headlines reported by the mainstream media and what they hear and read on social media, all of which is controlled by the left.

American voters see the Republicans at odds with each other while gas prices and grocery prices go up, illegals stream across the border by the millions, and crime has exploded across the country. The few of us who really pay attention know that it is the policies put into place by Democrats that are causing these problems, but most citizens, sorry to say, aren't aware of the facts.

A thoughtful column by Charles Lipson evaluated the dilemma that conservative Republicans now face. He called the ouster of McCarthy a gift to Democrats. "Make no mistake: the entire Republican Party will pay an enormous price for this maneuver. It's one thing to remove a speaker; it's another to remove him without no obvious way to resolve the resulting impasse. Each day it lasts tells American voters, "Republicans donÕt know how to govern." They know how to use a bullhorn. They know how to stop legislation. They know how to jettison a speaker. But they donÕt know how to pass legislation or find a new speaker. That's a disastrous message to send voters."

Until the Republicans can do what the Democrats have been able to do, which is get together as a block, stand firm, and speak with one voice, nothing will ever get better. The Left has such a hold on this country that it is nearly impossible to alter the direction it is taking us. That direction is ever leftward into Communism.

The vast number of Americans don't want a Marxist America. They don't want to see their country getting "fundamentally changed" to paraphrase Barak Obama. But, again, most Americans don't even know what the hell is going on politically.

Most people are concerned with their day to day lives and simply don't follow the details.

It's up to the Republicans to do a better job in explaining to voters what the Left is all about and why it is so vitally important to change these destructive policies being put into place by the Democrats before it's too late.

If millions and millions of illegals keep coming across into our country, it won't be our country anymore. How long can the crime go on in our cities before our cities literally become ghost towns? Do we really want our children to be indoctrinated by the left in schools and colleges across the country? We are in a do or die situation.

In order to save our republic, the Republicans need to get it together.

In-fighting won't solve anything.


