
February 22nd, 2025


45% Without a Clue

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Oct. 1, 2021

45% Without a Clue
I can't think of a president who has done more harm in so little time to our country than President Biden. Certainly no president in my over 7-decade lifetime. So, while it is somewhat gratifying to read that the latest polls show Biden's job approval going down, it is also rather frightening. Why frightening? Because the Real Clear Politics average of all polls taken puts his approval rating at around 45%.

Yes, his average disapproval rating is at around 50%, more people disapprove of him than approve. But the fact that close to half the people polled are approving of this man sends shutters down my spine and scares the hell out of me. Who are these people? Aren't they paying attention?

Haven't they felt the price spike on gasoline, food, and just about everything else? Haven't they heard about the collapse of our supply chain which has resulted in shortages on many store shelves? Aren't they aware that Biden has destroyed our energy independence and put us back at the mercy of the Middle Eastern oil cartel? Don't they know anything about the Biden family corruption? If they do, why don't they care?

Haven't they read or heard about the disgusting immigration disaster on our southern border? And what about the humiliating, botched Afghanistan withdrawal that killed so many and left over 100 Americans trapped in that terrorist-controlled country to this very day? Can those who have high regard for Biden point to anything, ANYTHING that he has done over these past eight months that has been a positive for America and its people?

Perhaps there some who simply enjoy the inflation that has occurred thanks to Biden's polices. What about the mixed messaging about Covid coming out of this administration and the mandates put into place, and the lies? Are people good with the "woke" objectives in our military which teach critical race theory, targeting white men who are patriotic? Are they okay with transgendered athletes participating in women's sports? Do they relish the increase in taxes and new spending that will soon be coming?

Nearly half of this country seems to be okay with the job Biden has done. That's millions and millions of people. Are they stupid? Are they just ignorant of what is going on? Are they so politically biased that they will approve anything a person does as long as there is a "D" after his name? Do they hate Donald Trump so much that they don't care if the country goes down in flames as long as it's run by their own guy?

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Interestingly, when asked "do you think our country is going in the right direction or in the wrong direction," 33% said right direction while more than 59% said wrong track. The discrepancy between the Biden numbers and the direction of the country numbers indicates to me that some who approve of Biden's job also believe the country is headed down the wrong track. My question to those people is, if you like what Biden is doing, why do you think the country is going in the wrong direction? It doesn't make sense. This stuff drives me nuts.

In a country of more than 330,000,000 I realize that there will always be contradictions in logic. Most people don't think about anything deeper than what's for dinner tonight or what's on TV. And in a country as large and diverse as ours is, you can be sure you'll get some screwball opinions and looney tunes beliefs.

Some believe Elvis is still alive. Some believe the moon landing was faked. Some believe the twin towers were brought down not by airplanes, but by demolition charges. Some believe Paul McCartney is dead.

And yes, some believe Joe Biden is doing a good job.


