Pfizer says new data shows its COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for kids ages 5 to 11, with immune responses at lower doses similar to older kids at higher doses; it plans to file for expanded approval. Now only that, but Pfizer said two other data sets in younger kids -- those 6 months to 2 years, and 2 years to 5 years -- are due later this year.
The other major vaccine maker, Moderna is right behind, pushing for the same thing. Anyone with a brain knows that vaccinating 6-month-old infants is insanity, but remember, we're under a totalitarian government now.
Jumping on this news from Pfizer, and joining the mandated vaccination program laid out by President Biden earlier this month, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday he wants to see the Pfizer vaccine available for younger kids in the five boroughs "as soon as possible," ideally before Halloween.
Although de Blasio hasn't yet required ALL school children to be vaccinated, he has said that public school athletes need to be vaccinated due to their higher risk of contracting the disease. But you can bet this news from Pfizer will help the push for a complete mandate soon.
We've been told all along that of all people, children have the least chance of getting the virus than anyone else, and even when they do, they don't become as sick as adults and they bounce back fairly quickly, showing little of no symptoms. In fact, their chances of survival are 99.995%. So why the panic to vaccine all kids? It's all about government control, of course.
The truth is, the survival rate for all age groups is in the 99% range (with one exception, older adults who are already very sick with something else). You won't hear this on the nightly news or read it in the paper, but it is a fact. Nevertheless, our government has leapt into action to deprive Americans of their Constitutional liberties under the guise of "emergency health measures."
In his dictatorial speech of Sept. 9th, Biden claimed that his vaccine mandates have nothing to do with freedom or personal choice. He is absolutely correct. What he is forcing on millions of Americans is the exact opposite of freedom and personal choice. Excuse me, but isn't freedom and personal choice one of the cornerstones of our democracy? The arrogance of this evil man is astounding. Besides being a liar, a thief, and a coward, he is a dangerous tyrant who is bent on destroying American freedoms.
The choice he has given American workers who work for the government, the medical professions or privately owned companies with 100 or more employees, is to either get vaccinated or lose your job. This will force other businesses and state and local entities to fall into line and is only the beginning of government forced vaccines for every single citizen. (Illegals need not worry, however, since this administration has exempted them from the shot.)
How is it that more of us don't see this for what it is, namely the Biden government stripping us of our liberties? In a recent column appering in JWR, Judge Andrew Napolitano stated, "the Ninth Amendment underscores that we have many personal rights not enumerated in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and the government is required to respect them. After the right to live, ownership and control of your own body are foremost among those unenumerated rights."
James Madison wrote the Ninth Amendment and understood that our rights don't come from the government, but from our humanity and our Creator.
Government has no authority to deprive us of those freedoms. Joe Biden clearly believes that his government does. Napolitano goes on to say, "If self-ownership is not among those rights, then nothing is. If the government owns our bodies, or somehow can trump our personal ownership of them, then we have no rights."
Based on conversations with my physician and other considerations, I have made the personal choice of getting the vaccine, emphasis on "personal choice." What others decide to do, based on their own health and freedom of choice is up to them. Their bodies, their decision.
In just the last few years we've seen our freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of worship diminish all in the name of "the public good." Losing those freedoms is definitely not in the public good. And losing the freedom of ownership of our own bodies will only bring on the end of America as we know it.
We cannot allow that to happen.