There was another attempt to kill President Trump again last Sunday. Coincidence? Yeah, like it was a coincidence that as soon as Donald Trump announced he was running for president this year Democrat lawfare kicked in and suddenly Trump was being prosecuted federally and in multiple states and jurisdictions. Like it was a coincidence that after eight years of Democrats and news media calling him evil, calling him a racist, calling him Hitler, calling him Mussolini, and calling him an existential threat to American democracy that he was hunted down by assassins.
This isn't about Donald Trump. This is about political power and how badly the Democrats want to hold on to it. The Democrats have been in charge of all power in the federal government for 12 out of the last 16 years in this country, and yet they blame everything that is wrong with the country on Trump. Most large cities in our country are run by leftwing Democrats and have been for many decades. The policies put into place in these cities are Democrat policies. Homelessness, tent cities, high crime, drug proliferation and high taxes all have happened under the watch of Democrats.
Ever since the 1960's the Democrat Party has pulled our country more and more leftward. The traditional Democrats such as Harry Truman and John Kennedy are mostly gone, replaced by Democrat Marxists. Even many elected Republicans are part of this political power cabal; what has been called “the deep state” or “the swamp.” We are closer today in living in a totalitarian Marxist regime than we have ever been before.
Democrat leftists have built a power base in this country that is almost impossible to cut through. Government agencies, the ones presided over by unelected bureaucrats, are almost all Democrat. Over the ensuing decades they have slowly managed to take over our educational institutions, including public schools. And once you have control of the schools, you control what is taught to the children. Those children believe what they are told and they take those beliefs into their adult lives.
Now, in addition to academia, the Left controls our media, i.e. newspapers, television, movies, and much of the internet. The Left has gotten footholds in many industries and organizations. More and more of our religious institutions, (what are left of them) have become pulpits for Leftist ideology and woke revisionism.
Almost everything Americans are exposed to in our society, be it music, entertainment, news, or theology has a socialistic, Marxist influence. All brought to you by today's Democrat Party. Our children are exposed to the propaganda daily until it becomes all they know. They soon accept it as truth and they think anything else are lies.
You'd think having all this control and power would have been enough, and it was for a time. That is until Donald Trump entered the picture. And suddenly there was a man who spoke of American greatness. He reminded us of our real American History and the ideals espoused by our Founding Fathers. He wanted to see American made industry get back to business. He wanted to keep our borders secure, keep out the illegals and curtail the flow of drugs and crime into our country. He wanted to build up our military and make America respected again on the world stage.
People liked what they heard and voted for him, and elected him for president in 2016. That wasn't supposed to happen. Now the deep state had a problem. Everything they built on for the past six decades might be coming to an end, their power structure was in jeopardy. This outsider was ruining everything! That's when they went all in on the mission of getting rid of this troublemaker. It started with Russia Gate and it hasn't stopped yet.
For almost a decade the elite in government, the ones invested in keeping their power, have been doing everything they can think of to get rid of Donald Trump. Lies, innuendo, cheating, attempting to paint him as evil, to vilify him as worse than any villain that has ever lived. They tried to bankrupt him, to jail him, to defeat him emotionally, to destroy his businesses, to shame his family.
And now I'm supposed to believe that two assassination attempts on President Trump within two months, just weeks away from one of the most significant presidential elections of our time, is simply a coincidence? Really? Just a crazy coincidence, eh?
I put nothing past selfish, greedy, power hungry people. These are people without morals, without a conscience, without God. These are people without souls. Of course I don't know for sure that the elite power structure in our country is behind the assassination attempts, but I wouldn't be surprised. Greed, ambition, and power. These have been potent motives for the commission of evil ever since time began.