The left has been at it for years, decades actually. We sort of expected it in the arts, which have always gone antiestablishment to one degree or another.
But since the 1960's on, it has accelerated.
The popular entertainment media; movies, music, and even television has been waging war on the traditional values in our culture for morethan 60 years.
And now, as we've seen in the last few years, it has gone way beyond the arts.
The left has found its way into our most conservative institutions and businesses.
Many areas where you would never imagine it would be possible for them to penetrate, let alone change. Think of the institutions we all thought were solidly traditional, but have been altered and deviated.
Man and woman marriage. The nuclear family structure (mother, father, sons, daughters). The Walt Disney Company. Mainstream churches and synagogues. Classic movies. Fine Art. Classic music. All of these traditional conservative institutions have been infiltrated and therefore ruined by the left.
They have gotten a foothold and made sweeping changes to what was considered normal and wonderful for centuries. How did this happen? And why did the conservatives among us sit still for it and allow it to happen?
The following is one small example of how the left is destroying classics. A friendof mine who loves classic old movies and has been a devotee of Turner Classic Movies channel recently wrote me this e-mail.
Ă’Last night TCM host (Dave) Karger said, after showing "The Road to Singapore", with Bob and Bing, that the last film they made, "The Road to Hong Kong," was the end of the "Road" pictures because of its RACISM and MISOGYNY! What a crock! I saw that film in Miami Beach in 1962. It was screened at our hotel for the entertainment of the guests. "Do remember that everyone enjoyed it.......it didn't offend anyone.
"So this means that today people can find anything they want to be offensive......and TCM certainly does. Reminding us all the time, how sensitive and childish we all are, unable to watch anything that may offend us, give us nightmares or a nervous breakdown, if we watch "The Road to Hong Kong", or anything else they deem politically incorrect, racist, etc.
More and more they will pick apart the films that we treasure.
It's really terrible that they decide they are the arbiters of what we can watch or not, and also to warn us of the impending doom should we watch these films.
Why do they show them? 'Cause they want money. Then it's acceptable to scorn and berate the films andperformers, aslong as TCM can score.
Remember, TCM caters to viewers who enjoy classic movies, who love the golden age actors such as Hope and Crosby, Cary Grant, Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Astaire and Rogers, etc.
Mostly older people like myself tune into the channel, although there are some younger viewers who have discovered the classic films and have learned to appreciate them.
Since classic movies are the stock in trade of this channel, one would think that the executives in charge would show these pictures without pushing a "woke" ideology, and not so very long ago they did just that. The original host, Robert Osborn, never got political.
But that is definitely not the case anymore. Just in the last couple of years the channel has shifted into full speed wokology, with the lead-in hosts doing disclaimers before the pictures are run.
These hosts apologize all over themselves for a movie made 70 or 80 years ago if it doesn't happen to conform with 2022 political correctness and sensibilities. They take on this holier-than-thou attitude that so many on the left have, and even though they run the picture, you get the sense that they wish they didn't have to.
If they are so ashamed to be showing the movies they have been hired to do lead-ins for, then they should have the courage of their convictions and quit.
Here's the dirty little secret, old timers who love watching real movie stars in great movies are totally turned off by these hosts telling us how ÒwrongÓ the classic films were.
Eventually we will tune out. And what of the young movie goers of today? Well, there really aren't enough of them watching TCM to keep that station in business. So pushing their leftist ideology isn't working and will simply kill the channel at some point.
Just one small example of how the left is attempting to destroy an American tradition. In this case, classic movies.