
March 28th, 2025


We're Having a Heat Wave

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Sept. 2, 2022

  We're Having a Heat Wave

Here we go again. Once again California is bracing itself for another of its yearly heat waves, due to hit this week and extend until at least Labor Day.

And naturally we expect an energy shortage and "Flex Alerts." As in years past, blackouts and brownouts are a distinct possibility. And yet again people will be asked to conserve electricity during afternoons and evenings, which means limiting air conditioners and avoid using dishwashers and other large appliances. And yes, holding off charging electric vehicles during that time.

But how many EV users will abide by that rule? If a person owns an electric car that needs a charge, will they really wait? Well, we shall see. If I have to keep my thermostat at 78 degrees or warmer and not do my dishes and not wash my clothes then it's only fair that electric vehicles get postponed too, right? But I'm not so sure that will happen.

Many EV owners tend to be rich liberals. Rich liberals tend to be selfish, self-serving, and elitist. They operate under the assumption that the rules and regulations governing most of us, don't apply to them.

Remember Governor Newsom dining out at an expensive restaurant with his cronies without wearing a mask when all the rest of us were ordered to do so?

There were dozens of examples ofother rich elite politicians getting caught doing similar things.

So even as our sagging power grid slowly grinds away, will the leftists who control that grid also control themselves?

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the grid is expected to be under the most strain on Monday, with a projected peak load of 48,225 megawatts. Peak loads on Sunday, when temperatures in parts of the Bay Area are most likely to reach triple digits, are also expected to reach more than 48,000 megawatts.

And the chance that California will be able to import power from neighboring states is doubtful considering the high temperatures throughout the entire west.

How laughable and disgustingly ironic that these power grid warnings are coming just a few days after new regulations were put into place by the state that will ban all gasoline powered vehicles by 2035. All part and parcel of Newsom's desire to combat "climate change" by changing the whole passenger fleet to electric vehicles.

Newsom wants all cars to be electric in a state which already suffers from a severe electric deficiency. Where does he think all this electricity will be coming from?

California has been at risk of electricity shortages and experiencing major power blackouts for the past several years, thanks to a lack of new power plants and the unreliability of energy from wind and solar power.

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California suffered major rolling blackouts throughout much of the state just two years ago when we endured another late summer energy shortage. Nothing has been done since then to increase the state's energy sources. But, yeah, let's make sure all vehicles are electric powered. You simply couldn't do more to purposely crash California's power supply if you tried.

Okay, I'm keeping my thermostat set at 80. I won't run the dishwasher until very late at night. I will wear dirty clothes. I will not use any high powered appliances during the peak hours. I will do my bit. I will abide by the rules.

Now, how about all you Tesla driving, plant-based, eco-friendly rich Marxists out there? Will you follow the rules too? Here's an idea; leave your electric vehicles at home and take public transportation to go where you need to go.

Only one problem. You still have to wear a mask on all forms of public transportation.