The question of the day: How much longer will it take for the majority of Americans to realize that our government is corrupt?
That our Constitutional rights and freedoms are being stripped away. That law and order applied equally to all is no longer happening. It has become so obvious now that the Biden White House is crooked, I don't see how anyone, Republican, Democrat, or even the most vehement Trump-hater couldn't recognize what's going on.
Our once wonderful freedom-loving country has turned into just another Marxist totalitarian regime controlled by elite political bureaucrats.
Kash Patel, former Department of Defense Chief of Staff under President Trump wrote about this a couple of months ago on the Real Clear Politics web site. He nailed it when he said the following:
"The elite set of individuals that sit atop our federal agencies have completely weaponized our entire government apparatus. It is no longer a one-off "mistake," but rather the intentional creation of a two-tier system of justice that has gone unchecked. The resulting impact is a death knell for American faith in all three branches of government."
He stressed that this is not a conservative verses liberal situation, it is much more complicated and insidious than that. And it has been a long time in the works, way before Biden and even Obama ran things. It is only now, since the Trump presidency, that it has become so blatant. What was once done subtly and under cover of darkness, is now being instituted brazenly without attempting to hide the all too obvious shadiness and double-dealing. They're lying and cheating and they don't care who knows it.
"The two-tier system of justice is not Democrats vs. Republicans," Patel wrote. "It is anyone who is part of the administrative state and the D.C. beltway versus those who seek to destroy this political demon of the deep state. It is government gangsters against everyone else."
JWR contributor, Victor Davis Hanson, distinguished professor, scholar, and historian writes, "Two sets of laws now operate in an increasingly unrecognizable America. Out of pathological hatred or fear of Donald Trump, the Left has crafted one set of laws for themselves, and another for all other Americans."
He continues, "They smugly believe their own moral superiority grants them such a right to apply laws unequallyÑor to ignore them altogether. To retain power at all cost, and to destroy a political rival, leftwing Democrats are systematically dismantling the constitutional foundations of the United States as we once knew them."
This isn't a crazy conspiracy theory, there is hard evidence to prove that the left is out to destroy the fabric of America. Everything they do is geared to the destruction of America, the tearing down of the traditional family, and G od-based religion. But to do that, they have to take down Trump first. In the words of our former President as he addressed a crowd of supporters, "They're after you, I'm just in the way."
Once again I ask, when will more of our fellow Americans wake up to what has been going on? What will it take for the millions of us, the average normal people who work hard, raise a family, believe in G od and love the traditions, freedoms, and fairness in the America that we grew up in to fight back against the authoritarians who want to destroy all that our country has stood for since its inception?
With each day that passes the erosion of our laws and freedoms gets worse. Soon it will get harder and harder to see what we've lost and ever more difficult to get it back. I've used the following quote from President Reagan in my column before, but it's worth another read. He said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Wake up America!