
September 7th, 2024


Tone Down the Rhetoric?

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published July 19, 2024

Tone Down the Rhetoric?


By now everyone has weighed in on the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Most people have formed an opinion on what happened and what didn't happen but should have happened. People on both sides of the political divide say we must "lower the temperature" and "tone down the rhetoric." But stubbornly and stupidly President Biden has not done that. If anything he's doubling down on it and the rest of his party are following suit.

In the interview last Monday with NBC Newsman Lester Holt Biden actually defended his language just prior to Saturday's shooting of Donald Trump. He actually blamed it on Trump in fact, saying that it's Trump's rhetoric that is the real problem. When Holt asked Biden about his comment just a day or so before the attack that "it is time to put Trump in a bullseye" he replied that it was only a figure of speech and "I didn't say crosshairs."

To quote Biden exactly, "I didn't say ‘crosshairs.' I meant ‘bull's-eye.' I meant to focus on him. Focus on what he's doing. Focus on — on his — on his policies. Focus on-- I mean, there's-- there's a whole range of things. Look, I'm not the guy that said. I want to be a dictator on day one. I'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. I'm not the guy who said that wouldn't accept the outcome of this election automatically. You can't only love your country when you win. And so the focus was on what he's saying and, I mean, the idea."

To his credit Holt then asked Biden if he has done any "soul searching" on the language he has used which could have pushed someone to violence. Biden's response was to say that the threat from his opponent is too stark to ignore. He turned it around to make it Trump's fault, saying "How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything ‘cause it may incite somebody?" Biden asked rhetorically. "I have not engaged in that rhetoric," Biden continued. "My opponent has engaged in that rhetoric."

So when Biden called on all Americans to "lower the temperature" last Sunday in his initial address to the nation, he was clearly only referring to Republicans and in particular Donald Trump. In his warped, demented mind he himself never demonized Trump. No, he was only "telling the truth." Saying that Trump is an existential threat to Democracy, that he will destroy the United States of America, that he be a dictator, that he will round up his opponents and put them in jail, that the man is a danger to the entire world, oh no, that is not inciting violence, that is simply "telling the truth."

Then on Tuesday, Biden turned up the heat yet again when he spoke to the NAACP and told them that Trump and Republicans want to "deny you freedom, the freedom to vote." It was a flashback to 2012 Joe who told Black voters that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wanted to put Black people back in chains.

Every single interview and speech Biden has done since the horror of last Saturday is riddled with vindictive rhetoric that is meant to divide Americans and stir up hatred and fear. And his lies continue. One of his favorites is the lie about what Trump said about the demonstrations in Charlottesville.

Biden repeats the lie that Trump called Nazis very fine people, when anyone who listens to the tape can hear with their own ears that President Trump was referring to the debate over confederate statues, not the tiki torch white supremacists. In fact, in the next sentence President Trump specifically said that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally.'

Newt Gingrich has always said that Biden is a crook and liar. He's right, but Biden is much worse than that. He's a dangerous man who purposely keeps the flames of hate raging for his own selfish personal reasons. He continues to engage in demonizing Donald Trump and he clearly doesn't care what violence may result because of it. Biden has always been a crooked, selfish, nasty lying half-wit. That he happens to be a senile bumbling fool on top of everything else is beside the point.


