
September 7th, 2024


Political Ping Pong

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published July 15, 2024

Political Ping Pong


That certainly was a fast flip. The day after Biden's disastrous debate performance most Democrats and nearly all the media were calling for Joe to go.

Now, not even two weeks later, it appears that almost all are back on board the Biden train. Yep, they've hitched their wagons to a falling star. The thing is, the man may not be getting out but he's not getting any better either. Nevertheless, the party is sticking with the one they brought to the dance.

Undoubtedly the fact that Biden and his family have staunchly resisted the calls to exit has much to do with the Democrats and media circling the wagons and sticking with him. But the main thing is, it's the only choice for them at this juncture. He has the delegates and the campaign money and it really is too late to start again, that plus nobody is thrilled with the prospect of Kamala Harris taking his place. Her poll numbers are worse than Joe's against Trump.

Still, much can change between now and November. It will be interesting to see just how far his supporters will go to support him should he continue to have "bad nights" and "bad days." It's bound to happen.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is laying low as far as picking on Biden is concerned, which is exactly the right thing to do. As Napoleon once said, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. It would be the best thing for him going forward to forgo the name calling thing. If anything, mentioning Biden with pity would be the way to go. "How sad it is for all of us to see our president in such a mental state of decline," is the best tone to take in referring to Biden's condition.

President Trump is at his best when he takes the high road. Yes, it's a lot of fun to listen to him go into a riff on someone or something, but not all voters have a sense of humor. When Donald Trump is stating facts and talking about the things that most people are concerned with, that's when he shines.

All he needs to do to sew up this election is dial back on the shtick a bit and show the compassion and caring that he has shown so many times before. Such as when he calls his condolences to the families of those who have been murdered by illegals, or when he shows up at a place that has been hit by tragedy like the East Palestine train derailment of 2023 and he brings needed items like fresh drinking water and cleaning supplies.

With the queasiness shown these past days concerning Vice President Kamala Harris being able to take over the presidency, it is more important than ever for President Trump to choose a solid reliable vice presidential candidate. Some names being floated by The Wall Street Journal are North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. All reasonable qualified people who have executive experience, leadership competence, and could step in and assume the duties of President if necessary.

I would add New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. Although they haven't much in the way of executive experience, they do have youth and diversity on their side. But all in all, my personal pick would be Mike Pompeo. A really smart man with experience in working with Trump and conversely, a man that Trump could trust.

Pompeo has plenty of experience navigating his way through Washington and also has worked as an executive in the private sector. He graduated first in his class at West Point, and served as a U.S. Army officer as Captain. He then graduated Harvard Law School and worked as an attorney before becoming an entrepreneur in the aerospace and oilfield industries. He was elected to the House of Representatives and served until 2017 before becoming Director of the CIA until Donald Trump. After that he became President Trump's Secretary of State.

Mr. Trump might select any of the potential candidates mentioned, or not. You never know with him. We'll see what happens tonight when the RNC meet for their national convention in Milwaukee.


