
March 28th, 2025


Nostradamus Crosby

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published July 15, 2022

Biden's approval numbers are in the tank, undoubtedly due to a combination of his awful progressive policies, the staggering economy, price spikes, the recession, increasing crime, an open southern border, and what has become his all too obvious personal deterioration.

His vice president has been a useless laughingstock. There has been much speculation among the political mavens lately on what the Democrats will do in an attempt to recapture popularity in order to retain their authoritarian hold on government.

Lots of opinions out there but nobody knows for sure what Biden and his puppeteers are up to, least of all me. With your indulgence, however, I'd like to take a crack at one possible scenario.

Sometime before the mid-terms there will be an announcement from the administration that, after deep reflection and introspection, Vice President Kamala Harris has reluctantly decided to step down from her job due to "family obligations," or "personal reasons" or whatever else they can come up with that might sound semi-believable.

This announcement will be quickly followed by a televised speech from Biden at the White House (with Harris at his side). Biden will speak (tearfully) in glowing terms of the enormous accomplishments of V.P. Harris, how she has provided a unique perspective to the office, how she has added immeasurable leadership, innovation and intelligence to his administration and to him personally.

Biden will say that with great reluctance and sadness he has accepted Kamala's resignation and he will be forever grateful to her for her unwavering support and insight. He will wish her and her family all the best and he will wish her much luck in whatever future endeavors she pursues. He knows it won't be easy, but he and his staff will conduct a thorough vetting process for a suitable replacement for her as soon as possible.

From that point on, the media will take over and start to speculate who the new V.P. might be. They will interview several viable (in their estimation) candidates for second in command. Pundits will be offering opinions, newsreaders will be salivating over their own personal favorites, and gossip will run rampant. Finally, after enough media hype has been employed, after all of the political capital has been expended, and after a proper length of time has passed, Biden will call for a major press conference to announce his choice of successor to Kamala.

The chosen one could be any one of several obvious possibilities. It might very well be California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who undoubtedly craves to be a heartbeat from the presidency more than any other politician in the country. It could also be current Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, who would have the distinction of becoming the first openly homosexual vice president in American history. And you know how important these "firsts" are to the progressives. Replacing the first female/ Indian-black vice president with the first homosexual vice president would be awfully hard for them to resist.

But then again the Biden puppeteers might decide not to hedge their bets and go with another black woman for the office. After all, Biden did promise to nominate a black woman when he campaigned in 2020, and look how well that worked out. So he might as well stay with what works, right? And yes, that would be none other than the sore loser in the Georgia gubernatorial race of 2018, Stacey Abrams. She would have the distinction of being the first TOTALLY BLACK female vice president. And 100% black is even better than half black for the Leftists.

No matter who it turns out to be, you can bet it will be a hard left progressive. The Democrats are not looking to go moderate at this point.

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You have to remember that this entire exercise is done before the 2022 mid-terms to properly set up for the 2024 presidential election. So, after the V.P. is safely in place near the end of 2022, Biden goes bumbling and stumbling throughout the start of the campaigning year while his handlers sweat it out, hoping he won't make a final horrible gaff that will destroy everything.

Then, all of a sudden, (much before the Democrat convention is held) an announcement will be made that Biden will soon be holding a major presidential speech from the White House. After consulting with family, his doctors, and others close to him, President Biden has determined that the best course of action for the nation and for himself going forward is to step down and not run for a second term. It is with a heavy heart and a lame brain that he makes this announcement.

That, of course, leaves the new vice president ready, willing, and able to receive the Democrat nomination at the convention. And the powers that be will put him or her on the ticket. Done deal.

Now, I might be completely off base with this prediction, I've been wrong before, just ask my wife. But I don't think so this time. Let's see what happens.


