
March 28th, 2025


Justices in Jeopardy

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published June 17, 2022

For the first time in history the justices on the Supreme Court are in mortal danger. Not all of them, only the ones who lean conservative. The liberal justices are safe; no one is attempting to kill them, no one is marching in front of their homes screaming obscenities at them in the middle of the night, and no one is threatening their families. The conservative justices are not so fortunate.

Ever since the draft of a possible reversal of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision (which federally legalized abortion in the United States) was leaked, the psychos on the left have been out for blood. The blood of conservative justices. Once the draft was publiced in Politico leftists have been terrorizing the homes of the Republican-appointed members of the court in order to harass and intimidate the justices into keeping Roe in place.

Last month, the left-wing activist group Shut Down D.C. organized a "demonstration" outside of Justice Samuel Alito's home yelling chants such as "our bodies, our voice!" and "Alito is a coward." Similar demonstrations have taken place at the home of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, with the radical pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us recentlyÊencouragingÊits supporters to target Barrett's home, children, and church. Thanks to information supplied by far-leftist groups, these crazies know the addresses of the justices' homes, their churches, the schools that their children attend, and other personal information.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has the power to arrest and charge demonstrators, but has chosen not to prosecute any of them. And yes, there is a law in place which outlaws picketing outside a judge's home "with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice." Garland is simply ignoring it.

Then, a little over a week ago the inevitable happened. A nutjob leftist (is there any other kind?) was arrested outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh for planning to assassinate the judge for his purported support of overturning Roe. Needless to say, the story was buriedÊby the New York Times, and received ABSOLUTELY NO COVERAGE by any of the major Sunday news shows on ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN. In the minds of the progressive media, there is no reason to report it. After all, the justice is a white man who was appointed by President Trump.

President Biden never directly acknowledged the attempt on Kavanaugh's life. The only response from the White House was a statementÊfrom Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates that said Biden "condemns the actions of this individual in the strongest terms." The assassination attempt was downplayed completely. Matter of fact, NO democrats in the Senate or the House came out to denounce the attempt on Kavanaugh's life. None.

In a statement Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, "Democrat leaders, including Joe Biden, have refused to condemn the assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh." House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a separate statement, "It's an outrage that President Biden found the time to appear on a late-night comedy show and predict a Ômini revolution' if the Supreme Court doesn't rule his way on abortion, yet remains silent on the attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh." Indeed.

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The Idiot-in-Chief went on the Jimmy Kimmel show and said nothing about the incident. Two days later he gave a speech about inflation and never once mentioned the assassination plot against a sitting Supreme Court Judge, but managed to condemn the January 6th demostrations as "a brutal assault on our democracy." That's called selective outrage.

Last weekend, a crisis pregnancy center in Gresham, Oregon, was firebombed. The arsonists scrawled this lovely sentiment on the walls just before setting fire to the place, "If abortions aren't safe, then neither are you." The centers are staffed by anti-abortion volunteers who provide resources for women facing unplanned pregnancies, such as adoption counseling and maternal care. Three other centers in Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin were also targets of arson.

So, as pro-life organizations are being firebombed and threatened across the country and Supreme Court justices are targets for violence and terrorism, the Democrats in charge couldn't care less. Remember the rule of the left, if you don't share their ideology, then you are an evil racist, homophobic, misogynist who doesn't deserve to be heard or maybe even to live.

This is pretty scary stuff going on in the United States of America. I never thought I'd see our country get so bad. You don't need to be a justice of the Supreme Court to feel threatened. All you have to do is go against the leftist dogma to incur the wrath of the mob.


