
September 7th, 2024


Turning the Tables

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published June 7, 2024

Turning the Tables


The Left loves to pin the label of election interference on former President Trump. But it's a lie. The real perpetrators are Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Joe Biden along with their crew of crooked collaborators.

Two major crooks are Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan. Today Blinken serves as Biden's Secretary of State, while Jake Sullivan holds the title of National Security Adviser.

A little recent history is in order regarding these two. Blinken worked with Jake Sullivan to engage in election interference in the 2016 and 2020 campaigns.

As Victor Davis Hanson writes, "Sullivan, Hillary Clinton's chief foreign policy advisor, helped to push in conspiratorial fashion the false story within government circles and the media that a Russian Alfa bank was covertly "communicating" with the Trump campaign—a lie that helped fuel the entire "Russian collusion" election interference caper.

"Blinken, a 2020 Biden campaign official, cooked up the plan to round up 51 "former intelligence officials" to falsely discredit recent accounts about Hunter Biden's incriminating laptop by preposterously claiming it was likely "Russian disinformation."

Blinken called up former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell to hatch the farce, with the intent of providing candidate Biden with some cover in his planned denials of the truth in the upcoming debate with Trump and during the last weeks of the campaign. To paraphrase Alvin Bragg, such deception by intent prevented American voters from making a fully informed decision in the 2020 Election."

The double standard in American justice is overwhelming. The election interference is only one example of dozens I could name. The Democrats have been engaged in a concerted effort of election interference, in one way or the other, for decades. Counting ballots of dead people. Multiple voting. Changing the rules of election day voting to expand it into weeks. "Finding" boxes of ballots in the wee small hours. Allowing non-citizens to vote by not requiring proper I.D. at the polls.

No matter what happens with the fake indictments of Donald Trump, no matter what the Left are able to throw at him in the final months ahead, you can be sure of one thing. They will never stop trying to destroy the man. They will do whatever they can to keep him from being elected president. The entire power of the state bureaucracy is behind it. The authoritarian Biden/Obama regime is working day and night to keep their power and change America for all time. They have no scruples, ethics or conscience.

And remember this, whatever they accuse Donald Trump of, is exactly what they are doing themselves. That is right out of the Left's playbook. Turning the truth upside down is an old totalitarian trick. It's even used in the courtroom on a regular basis. If a police officer accuses a perpetrator of a crime, the perp's lawyer will say that the officer is lying or a racist or the evidence has been tainted or whatever. This goes on every day in our court system. And the Dems are using it against Donald Trump.

Every time you hear another charge leveled at Trump just know the Dems are the real villains engaged in it.


