
September 7th, 2024


Merchan's Kangaroo Court

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published May 31, 2024

Merchan's Kangaroo Court


As I write this Former President Trump returned to the Manhattan courtroom for the first time in a week Tuesday as closing arguments began in his New York criminal trial. Trump's defense team once again asked Judge Juan Merchan to dismiss the case last week, but he has yet to hand down a ruling. Believe me, he will not dismiss. Interestingly, the Trump defense team did their closing arguments first. The prosecutors gave their arguments last. This is extremely unusual, generally the defense has the last word. Just one more example of anti-Trump bias in this trial.

The defense's closing argument took about two and a half hours. The prosecution took over six hours. Jury instructions given by Judge Merchan were so vague and so obviously pro-prosecution that it would have been laughable had it not been so destructive to our entire legal system.

Over the week-end the White House announced that Biden will make a statement to the nation regarding the Trump verdict just as soon as the jury has returned with its verdict. This is very telling in my opinion.

Up until now Biden has been mostly silent regarding Trump's trial, so why has he decided to make a big speech directly after the jury brings in its verdict? If the jury rules that Trump is not guilty, Biden will be standing in front of the microphone with egg on his face, right?

But Biden will not have egg on his face. The only reason for Biden to speak about the verdict, especially in this election year, would be to spike the ball after Trump is found guilty. So that tells me that the fix is definitely in. Biden already knows the verdict. It has been predetermined and pre planned from the beginning. The entire trial has been a sham and a political witch hunt worthy of third rate banana republics.

This column will appear on JWR either on Friday the 31st or Monday the 3rd. By then the jury will have returned their verdict and we'll all know it. I believe with all my heart and all the facts that I know about this case that Donald Trump is not guilty. There is no basis for it and most legal scholars have said so. However, I believe this jury will find Trump guilty.

I pray that I'm wrong, not so much for former President Trump's sake, but for the sake of our country. If the jury in this case convicts Trump it will signal the end of our country as we know it. The United States as it was created by our founders will be no more. America will have failed and it will never recover from this.

More than half of all Americans will realize exactly what transpired and will resent it. They will see that our system is rotten and corrupt. They will lose all faith in our elections and never believe them to be fair and honest. Most will see that the justice system in our country has been weaponized for a political power grab.

Most Americans, regardless of political affiliation, will know that the American tradition of getting a fair trial is dead. If this kind of "lawfare" can be waged on a former president of the United States, no one in the country is safe from it. And if the American court system is corrupt, then America will cease to exist.

Once people lose faith in the fairness of a country's justice system, the country is on its way out. By the time you read this we will know for certain whether we live in a strong republic or are living in the last sad days of the United States of America.

This is not about Donald Trump, it's about the future of our country. .


