Biden arrived in Buffalo on Tuesday to ostensibly pay his respects to the victims of the mass shooting on Saturday, but in reality he did what he does best, he stirred up hatred and division.
According to Biden, the shooting wasn't the action of one deranged kid, it was the prevalence of white supremacy in the nation.
Biden called on all Americans to "reject white supremacy" because they were making the country look bad." Another stupid statement, but loaded with innuendo. When a president calls on all Americans to reject white supremacy, the implication is that there are a tremendous number of Americans who support it, which of course is a lie. The number of true white supremacists in our country is marginal at best.
Notice how Biden used the word "they" not "he." The shootings in Buffalo were committed by one insane, screwed up 18-year-old, but Biden shifted the focus and took the opportunity to accuse his real enemies, all the people who supported President Trump. That is essentially what he did by referring to January 6th in his speech.
While not actually calling out Trump supporters by name, anyone listening to his words knew that the "they" was referencing them. And as far as Biden and his ilk are concerned, a Trump supporter is a white supremacist. No difference. One of Biden's favorite hobbies is painting patriotic Americans with a broad brush. Voted for Trump? Racist!
"We can't allow them to distort America. The real America," Biden said, referring to the white supremacists. "We can't allow them to destroy the soul of the nation." It was at that point that he referred to January 6th. "As president of the United States, I travel the world all the time. And other nations ask me, heads of state in other countries ask me, what's going on? What in G od's name happened on January 6th? What happened in Buffalo," Biden said.
Then he went on to say that white supremacists were acting out of a type of misguided patriotism. Again, an allusion to the patriotic Trump supporters. And then he went full race baiting when he said, "We have to refuse to live in a country where black people going about a weekly grocery shopping can be gunned down by weapons of war, deployed in a racist cause." He made it sound like an army of organized white supremacists were on the march to kill black people throughout the country.
"Look, the American experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn't been in my lifetime. It's in danger at this hour," he said. "Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America. But who don't understand America."
First of all, I haven't read anything to indicate that the murderer particularly "loved America," as Biden says. According to his own words he definitely is a racist and an anti-Semite. He is clearly a mental case, but America lover? I haven't heard that from any reliable source.
But when Biden throws him in with all "those who pretend to love America but who don't understand America," he essentially is accusing millions of Americans of taking part in the mass murder. Those millions who happen not to agree with Biden's ultra-progressive view of what America should be.
Then after slandering the January 6th protesters as white supremacists and terrorists, he turned his attention (like all Democrats do after a mass shooting incident) to blaming guns for the buffalo killings.
Biden asked Congress to enact stiffer gun control measures, although the weapon used in the crime was allegedly modified in violation of New York state's strict SAFE Act and equipped with a 30-round magazine. "We can keep assault weapons off our streets," Biden said. "We've done it before."
Like most anti-gun Democrats Biden doesn't know what he's taking about when it comes to firearms.
Lastly, Biden said we must do more to prevent evil content from spreading on the Internet. Sounds good on the face of it. But words have meaning, and not all words have the same meaning to all speakers. When I read that Biden wants to prevent evil content on the internet, I have to ask myself, "What does Biden consider "evil content?"
Is he referring to anti-Semitic and racist screeds encouraging violence? If so, I'm with him 100%.
On the other hand, he may be referring to Internet speech that doesn't align itself with his own progressive agenda. Conservative, patriotic, or heaven forbid pro-Trump speech, which his administration has encouraged big tech companies to censor and cancel.
What Biden never addressed this week was mental illness, which was the true cause of the mass killings in Buffalo. No, mental illness had nothing to do with it. In Biden's world it was the Trump followers who don't understand America. And those evil guns. They did it.
Another couple of "uniting" speeches like this one might very well light the fuse for another summer like the one we had in 2020.
Maybe that's the idea.