Yes, Donald Trump was absolutely right when he labeled this a "witch hunt."
Many have called this the biggest and the worst political scandal in American history and they are right. Nothing even comes close to this. Not Watergate, Teapot Dome, Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinski, none of them. Those scandals all rolled together pale in comparison to the corruption and sheer dishonesty that was perpetrated on the American people for more than four years (and in some quarters, is still being pushed).
Top officials at the White House, undeniably including Barack Obama, along with FBI honchos were fully aware of Hillary's scheme to spread lies about a Donald Trump-Russia collusion. They may have even been in on the planning of it. It started before the election and continued throughout much of President Trump's presidency. The Democrats, intelligence agencies, and the media pushed the lies every day on television, newspapers, social media, and any other way they could think of. If they thought smoke signals would work, they would have used that too.
The media for its part are pretending that all this means nothing, of course. They will never admit to having had a role in this hoax, but the fact is, without them, it might not have worked to the degree it did. The media is every bit as culpable in this scandal as Hillary, Obama, and all the high ranking government swamp creatures. Oh, yes. This thing is much worse than Watergate.
When you have the former secretary of state and Democrat candidate for president laundering false intelligence information to the FBI under the auspices of her political allies in the Obama administration, and then using that information to launch a full-scale investigation into Trump and his campaign, knowing damn well that this stuff is completely made-up, you have the biggest fraud ever concocted in our country's history!
Although Durham's report doesn't say it in so many words, it is implicit that all the top political leaders of the administration had to have been involved. That would be Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Clapper, John Brennan, Jim Comey, and many others up and down the chain throughout the Justice Department and FBI. All coming together for the purpose of corrupting an election, and later to destroy the Trump presidency. And they are still at it!
Now for the big question of all. Who will be paying the price for this? Who will be brought to justice? How many will be indicted? Who will be punished? Who will be fired? Who will be disbarred? Who will be thrown in prison? Who will shamed publicly? And how many will even admit to any wrong doing at all? Will anyone have any regrets?
Well, we all know the answers to these questions. NO ONE. The thieves and liars in government will never admit to any wrong doing and the media will once again cover for them. So that's that. And don't think they won't do it again. After all, it worked didn't it?
Our country is in a very sad state. We are living in perhaps the most corrupt era in the history of The United States. Our only hope is for enough of us to wake up and become proactive. Clean house. Vote the bums out. And because we know there will be systemic election corruption by Democrats, we must vote in numbers so great that there cannot be any doubt.