
September 7th, 2024


When Evil Controls It All

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published May 10, 2024

When Evil Controls It All


For many months there have been scattered reports of just who is behind the antisemitic, pro-Hamas protesters in our streets and on our university campuses. Of course Middle Eastern terrorist groups are pushing it, but who specifically is funding these people? Political pundits like Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Levin, and Charlie Kirk have investigated and unmasked the donors.

No surprise, it is the usual suspects on the far Left. In other words, Biden's biggest donors, Democrat billionaires, are also funding the protests which call for the collapse of the Jewish state of Israel and the extermination of all Jews. And now finally more of the press is beginning to wise up on where the money is coming from.

Even an analysis by left-leaning Politico found the donors contributing both to Biden and to some of these protest groups. Donors include George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr. and Susan and Nick Pritzker, heirs to the Hyatt hotel empire. They join the Muslin Brotherhood, CAIR, Qatar, and communist China in providing dark money to the protesters. It's all a very well organized machine, with much of the dark money being filtered through the Tides Foundation, Arabella Advisors, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

And yes, many self-hating Jewish people are involved, including such far-Left progressive groups, Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now. Those are two of the main groups that have organized demonstrations on the college campuses with money provided by the Tides Foundation, which in turn is bolstered with funds from Soros. It also found that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which has Rockefeller Jr. on its board, gave $300,000 to the Tides Foundation in 2022.

The "charitable" wings of some major financial institutions, including Vanguard, Fidelity, and Morgan Stanley have contributed money as well.

Meanwhile the Biden regime continues to strongarm Israel and has recently stopped supplying them the arms and money they so desperately need to win the war against the terrorists. They hold them back, while at the same time the Biden administration continues to send billions of dollars to Iran which is used to support the terrorists throughout the Middle East.

So essentially our government is sending aid and comfort to terrorists while it is hampering the ability of a loyal ally to fight them. It's all backward. Many of us see that and are speaking out. So will that change anything? No, because the people who are engaged in this stuff also happen to be in charge. The bad guys control things and will do as they please.

Our government is not made up of a fair balance of conservative and liberal. The vast majority of people in the federal bureaucratic system are liberal Democrats and many are far Left. These ideologues are bolstered by the liberal press, social media, the entertainment industry and academia, not to mention many other private companies and organizations. The so-called "elites" call the shots for the country, regardless of what the majority of Americans may want.

One only has to observe what has been going on regarding former President Donald Trump. He has been hunted down by the Biden administration and its facilitators in the Justice Department, FBI, and progressive prosecutors in every state. They charge him with crimes that no other government official has ever been charged with. They rig the system so that the judges in all cases are liberal judges who side with Democrats.

In the New York trial going on now, that judge, Juan Merchan, is a loyal donor to the Democratic Party and his daughter is a left-wing activist who has raised at least 93 million for Democrats. According to the New York Post, the judge's daughter, Loren Merchan, is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose top clients include Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who was the lead prosecutor in Trump's first impeachment trial, and the Senate Majority PAC, a major party fundraiser.

Is this a conflict of interest? Yes. Has the judge recused himself because of it? Absolutely not. So what we have here is a trial based on nothing, being held in the most liberal city in the country, prosecuted by a district attorney who won his election promising to "get Trump," presided over by a biased judge who wants Biden to win. And this is only one of 91 felony counts across 4 states. We've only just begun.

Legal scholars and eminent professors such as Alan Dershowitz, Andrew McCarthy, and Jonathan Turley have said that what the Dems are doing to Donald Trump is patently unethical, against the law, and unconstitutional. There is no legal basis or precedent for the harassment and charges that are levied on him. They clearly are making it up as they go along.

Okay, so what do we do about it? How is it remedied? If the Constitution is being ignored, if the laws are being twisted, who stops these people from doing that? Sadly the answer is, it cannot be stopped. Not as long as the people who control our country are totally in charge. They will continue interpreting law and the Constitution to fit their own needs and goals. When the evil forces are in charge, they make the rules to suit themselves. They decide which laws they will follow and which they will ignore. They decide who gets punished and who gets re-elected.

This is nothing new with totalitarian governments. They've been operating like this for centuries. The fact that it is now happening to the United States of America, the one country set up to avoid this sort of thing, makes it especially reprehensible and repugnant. There is only one way to reverse it. Get the evil ones out of government.


