
March 28th, 2025


Paying more than lipservice to motherhood

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published May 6, 2022

Paying more than lipservice to motherhood
Mother's Day is this Sunday and how ironic it is that this week the abortion issue is back front and center in the Supreme Court and throughout our media.

It appears that Roe v. Wade might at long last be struck down, according to a draft opinion that has been leaked to Politico reporters. It should be repealed for many reasons; legal, moral, scientific, and constitutional. It is a law that never should have come about.

That the draft opinion has been leaked at all is a serious violation of the sacred trust that is shared by the nine justices. The Supreme Court is the last of our institutions that the American people still believe is honest, trustworthy, and fair to all. A breech of confidence like this shakes the very foundation of our highest court and erodes public trust that this institution stands unassailable.

Meanwhile, the media is doing its usual good job of ginning up protesting and hate. Crowds gathered at the Supreme Court made up of staffers from abortion groups chanting "fascist scum have got to go," interspersed with the names of the conservative justices. Some protesters carried signs with lovely and intelligent slogans such as "F-CK SCOTUS."

The court's decision will not be final, however, until it is published in a couple of months. In today's news cycle that's a long time. Which, of course, will give crazy pro-abortionists plenty of time to cause all kinds of havoc as they attempt to threaten and intimidate the justices to change their minds. And they'll try anything they can, including physical violence to the justices and their families.

Don't think so? It happened before, in 2018, following the Kavanaugh confirmation. The Supreme Court was attacked by a crazed mob made up of hundreds of rioting protesters who attempted to break down the 13-ton bronze doors to the building. They scaled the building and climbed its statues and threw tomatoes and water bottles at the cars of justices who had attended his swearing-in. That, my friends, was an insurrection. It might very well happen again, or worse.

This Sunday when we are supposed to be honoring motherhood these protesters will be out screaming and ranting on behalf of abortion. Abortion. Could there be anything further away from motherhood than abortion? You could make a case that abortion is the opposite of motherhood. Everything that being a mother represents is everything that abortion isn't.

A mother is nurturing. Abortion is killing. A mother is loving and selfless. Abortion is cold and selfish. A mother is self-sacrificing. An abortion sacrifices the life of a baby.

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When did killing an unborn child become an ideological principle of the left? And not just one principle, but their most important rallying cause. Abortion is killing, whether you call it "a woman's right to choose," or label it a "women's health" issue. It still comes down to killing an unborn child. What a wonderful thing to rally around, the death of an innocent.

But this weekend we shouldn't be focused on abortions, we should be remembering our mothers and being thankful that they decided to have us.

As I've stated before, the Ten Commandments says that we should honor our fathers and mothers. It doesn't say we must love them or even like them, only that we must honor them. So, in keeping with Judeo-Christian teachings, let us honor our mothers this Mother's Day. When we honor our mother we honor the fact that she gave us life. That's what being a mother means, bringing new life into the world. We honor mother because she honored us first by giving us life. Thank you mom.

Let's hear it for motherhood!


