What isn't talked about, but is well understood, is the fact that if Disney and other proponents of this nonsense get their way, sexuality would be taught with a totally progressive slant, emphasizing the theory that any sexual identity one chooses is just as good as any other. Remember we're talking about indoctrination of children as young as five years old.
That this killing of the innocence of children is being led by the one company that parents once trusted to be protective of kids, affirming traditional family values and upholding standards of normalcy makes it all the worse. Disney movies and theme parks were once thought to be safe havens from the ugliness and harsh realities of life, certainly never driven by leftist agendas and ideologies. More people are learning the truth about the Disney Company, that the people at the top are on the far left and are pushing far left crackpot ideas.
Every now and again the ridiculousness of life in our time can be overwhelming. I'm old enough to remember what normal used to be. When marriage meant the wedding of a man and a woman. When there was no distinction between sex and gender Ða man was a man, a woman was a woman, boys were boys and girls were girls.
Yes, there were always aberrations, exceptions to the rule. Human beings are complicated creatures after all. Sexuality can be deviant in some people to one degree or another. But an exception to a rule doesn't void the rule, if anything it strengthens it.
Attempting to bend 300 million people in our society to accept (and more than accept, embrace) the abnormal sexual proclivities of a tiny fraction of the population is nuts. At most only about 3% of the population is homosexual or lesbian. Less than 1% is transgender. Some people don't know or are unable to figure out which sex they belong to, these are confused and sick individuals.
Teaching young impressionable children that there are many genders beyond male and female to choose from, that it's all a matter of one's personal "preference" is more than factually wrongheaded, it amounts to child abuse. A five-year-old child's mind is pliable and will accept any information it is given as true from an adult authority. Infusing their little brains with transgender roles when they still are trying to figure out mommy and daddy's roles in their lives will mess them up and destroy what little is left of their childhoods.
We as a society have always been sympathetic to those that are not completely normal, be it physical or mental or emotional. Decent people should treat everyone in a decent way, no matter how divergent they may be from the rest of us. No one with any decency wants to see those who are crippled, handicapped, retarded, or homosexual abused or mistreated in any way.
We have always had our percentage of broken humans; the disabled, alcoholics, drug addicts, mental cases, and others who for one reason of another can't function normally in society. We make allowances for them, we try to help them, and in dire cases we should certainly support them monetarily until they can support themselves. And for the extreme cases, society will care for them all the rest of their lives. That's fine.
But we must never attempt to alter all of society to accommodate the few. It doesn't make sense and it is unfair. Just because some are incapable of passing a test you don't get rid of the test. Because some cannot emotionally cope with opinions that they themselves don't agree with, you don't prohibit the opinions of others.
And because some refuse to accept that there are only two biological sexes in the world, you don't begin to teach children that there are really dozens of gender identities to choose from. That would be a lie.
It's also abnormal.