The Intersection of faith, culture, and politics
March 28th, 2025Insight
If you are listening, watching, or reading the news events of the day; if you are plugged into contemporary entertainment culture such as movies, television, or even sports; and certainly if you are a regular follower of social media sites then it is difficult to avoid the negativity and social strife that all of those are filled with. We are bombarded with stress-inducing elements all around us, all the time.
Simply living in the world of 2023 is stressful. Media of all kinds assaults us with tragedy, hate, division, and worry. Promoting division and fear seem to be the goal. The tearing down of traditional life, the bedrock of our culture that generations of Americans have grown up with appears to be happening right before out eyes.
Climate change will destroy our planet. Racism is systemic in white people and can never be fixed. The police hunt down blacks so they can kill them. Our country was founded on hate with the purpose to annihilate or enslave all those who are not white. The idea of only two sexes is false, there are many. Individual responsibility is wrong, government control of all aspects of our lives is right. Free speech needs to be monitored and censored if necessary. Religion is dangerous and foolish. Children should be the property of the state and not answerable to their parents.
Well then. Is all that true? Is it for real and are we indeed on the brink of the destruction of our democratic republic as we know it? Are we heading for total anarchy and chaos? Is the sky falling? Whether you believe any of this stuff or not, if you expose yourself to the barrage of negativity long enough it's bound to cause you anxiety and maybe even depression. At the least it makes for a lousy outlook.
The trick is to simply avoid the negative assaults. Not easy, I grant you. Put on the news, you're going to get it. Put on the television, there it is. New music? Forget it. Watch a modern movie, they are packed with leftwing messaging. Pick up a magazine, divisive politics is on just about every page. Read a new book, even a novel, and chances are the author has inserted his or her political or social views.
Advertising, which once purposely and rightfully stayed neutral, has now taken sides with the leftist leanings of culture. The smart business philosophy of not wanting to offend any segment of their potential customer base has been done away with. They seemingly don't give a damn if they alienate half of the country. I suppose they value virtue signaling more than their bottom lines.
Frankly, just writing about this is a bit depressing for me right now. But really, here's the thing. You can't take it all to heart. You must, for your own good and peace of mind, do what you can to separate yourself from the negativity. If you can't shut it all off completely, at least limit it. Once you turn off the news, stop thinking about it! Don't dwell on it, don't let it inhabit you head. And don't spend a lot of time listening and reading the news. Don't watch new movies. Don't watch contemporary television shows. Don't engage friends and family in topical discussions.
Involve yourself in good, simple hobbies and pleasures. Do a jigsaw puzzle. Take a walk. Go to an art museum. Play with your kids and grandkids. Have a game night with a couple of friends and avoid political and cultural talk. Watch a movie, but watch a classic movie from before the 1960's (that's when all the messaging and politicizing began in a major way). Listen to classical music or some of the great standards from the likes of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, the Gershwins, Rodgers and Hart, and others. Shoot some baskets, play catch with your son, reacquaint yourself with a well written intelligent book. Get involved in cooking, or gardening, or any number of do-it-yourself activities.
The point is, don't allow the forces of our negative culture to bring you down. Keep your sense of humor and your mind free of anxiety. Watch Laurel and Hardy movies, or Abbott and Costello, or the Three Stooges, or Bob Hope and Bing Crosby road pictures. Listen to Ella Fitzgerald, Sinatra, Nat Cole, The Beach Boys. Keep it light and keep it upbeat.
© 2025 Greg Crosby.