The Inca empire was vast, spanning from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon rainforest, across parts of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Their empire lasted from about 1400 to 1532. And although there is much about them that remains unknown, the basic structure of their civilization is described in detail in this new book. And that is what I found most interesting.
Quoting from the review, "The Incas' domain, which they called Tahuantinsuyu, was a religious state in which the emperor (the sapa Inca, meaning "ruler" in the Quechua language) held ultimate authority over all facets of life: sacred, social, political and economic. To administer his far-flung, diverse realm, he enlisted a corps of civil servants to collect taxes, preserve food stores, supervise public works, conduct the census and perform the myriad day-to-day tasks of managing an empire.
To defend and expand its borders, he kept an elite force of professional warriors that he could augment with conscripts to more than 100,000 troops."
As I was reading this, it all sounded rather familiar somehow. Of course! This is the Democrat's authoritarian agenda for America. Okay, there may be some minor differences. Where the Incas religion was comprised of animism, ancestor and deity worship, and human sacrifice of children, the Dems religion is their ideological worship of progressive, neo-Marxist, green environmentalism, social justice, victimhood, and inclusive "equity." You might also include human sacrifice if you consider how the Dems push indoctrination of children through the educational system.
Biden has been using his ultimate authority to bypass Constitutional law, while at the same time his corps of civil servants is used to implement his leftist administrative agenda and perform the day-to-day tasks of managing his empire, and his elite force of professional warriors (The Justice Department) ensures that all of this is carried out.
In the case of the Incas, however, the sapa Inca (ruler) held complete authority, no question. Joe Biden is the ruler in name only. Biden has the title but he is operated by puppeteers behind the scenes. Perhaps the sapa Inca was a puppet too, we'll never know for sure. What we do know is that the deep state in our country is pulling the strings in the Biden administration.
When and if the time comes that a nonpartisan, honest history is written on the inside machinations of the politics and power that has taken place in our country these past 100 years, it will show the depth of deceit and corruption prevalent in our body politic and in our press. The fakery and phoniness we've seen exposed in the past four or five years is nothing new. It's been going on for a long, long time. It's only recently that it has become so obvious and overt.
The Inca empire lasted a relatively short period of time before it collapsed due to civil war, treachery, disease and conquering armies from across the sea. Looking at the state of our own civilization, things don't appear to be going much better right now. Thankfully we are not anywhere close to another civil war, but our people have never been more divided politically, socially, and culturally. The Wuhan virus continues to determine how we live our daily lives, treachery and duplicity runs rampant throughout our government and media outlets, and enemies both domestic and from across the seas threaten our civilization.
I don't know what if anything we have to learn from the Incas. Ancient empires and dynasties come and go throughout human history. What do they teach us? Maybe they teach us that nothing lasts forever. No matter how strong and influential a culture is, it is still only a fleeting, temporary episode that will come to an end eventually.
Sometimes it's a good thing that a culture dies out. Especially one that has become corrupted and disgustingly rotten at its core.