One particular curious little freak from New Jersey enjoyed a long and fruitful career as one of P.T. Barnum's star attractions. Billed as "Zip The What Is It?," he was looked upon by millions of people and touted as the survivor of a lost tribe discovered in the Amazon during the exploration of the River Gamba.
When Barnum first saw Zip, he told the agent of a similar fellow he had shown to Charles Dickens the previous year. When Dickens asked, "What is it?" Barnum thought that would be a perfect name for his newly found "feral human." Barnum's original "What Is It" turned out to be an English actor by the name of Harvey Leech, a white man with deformed legs who delighted audiences in New York as a What is It? character for a short time before being exposed as a fraud. Freaks, geeks, and What Is Its filled side shows like Barnum's for decades.
But if you think that freaks have disappeared along with the death of traveling side shows of circuses you would be very wrong. Today we live in a total "Zip What It Is?" society. Our progressive authoritarian woke leaders tell us there are more than just two sexes. As a matter of fact anyone can be any gender they choose to be simply by saying so. Men posing as women now compete in women's sports. Men who are rapists but when arrested and convicted suddenly claim to be women are put into women's prisons. Any boy may use a girl's rest room at school, all he has to do is say "I feel like a girl."
Many of us are so cowed by this nonsense through liberal media that we close our eyes, take a deep breath and oblige the freaks by referring to males who say they are females as "she" and "her" and females who say they are males as "he" and "him." We need to stop doing that. If some diluted mixed up guy wants to call himself a girl, that's up to him, but he shouldn't expect the entire world to go along with that. Unfortunately the leftist media happily push the "preferred pronoun" nonsense.
What we need in this world today is more clarity not more pronouns. Just because someone wants to be something of which he/she was never born to be doesn't mean that the rest of us have to accept his/her delusion as fact. All that does is confuse things.
Which brings me to the horrible shooting at a Nashville Christian school this week. A shooting that was committed by, well, someone of a questionable gender identity. Questionable because not only didn't the shooter know what he/she was, but nobody else seemed to know either. The press became obsessed with getting the preferred pronoun of the killer correct. First it was reported that the shooter was a teenage girl. Later the story changed to a 28 year-old female. Then a little later it came out that the shooter was transgender. But transgender "what?"
Some news sources said the shooter was a young man who identified as a woman while other sites said the shooter was a woman who identified as a man. Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the shooter was a 28-year-old woman, other sources said that the shooter used "he/him" pronouns on the internet. So what is it? Does transgender female mean a female who is transitioning into a male, or a male who has transitioned into a female?
In the end it doesn't matter. The one fact is the shooter is an insane evil freak who killed six innocent people and is now dead. Just another freak from the side show of our crazy confused world. Male? Female? Or Zip What Is It? Whatever it is, it is better off dead.