Remember 75 million people, or what Biden likes to call "MAGA republicans," voted for President Trump in the last election. Most of those voters support him to this day. And even those who don't, would never transfer their allegiance to the Democrat left. So if this partisan prosecutor moves on his threats, he will have unleashed outrage in tens of millions of Americans.
I didn't watch it myself, but I've read what Tucker Carlson said on his show. He made the point that indicting former President Trump could lead to the permanent destruction of the United States justice system. I don't believe that is an exaggeration. It certainly will mean that millions of conservative American voters will feel even more disenfranchised than they already do and will have even less faith in the justice system going forward.
Carlson acknowledged that former presidents could indeed be indicted if they have committed a crime. However, in this case Donald Trump is the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president and the abuse of the justice system by these partisan hacks to take out a political opponent is all too obvious and would be unprecedented and dangerous.
Many nonpartisan legal scholars and pundits have pointed out that the charges are unsubstantiated and in any case do not rise to the level of an indictment. "The whole thing doesn't make any sense at all on a legal level," Carlson said. "On a political level, it does because Trump is running for president."
"If the Democratic Party is allowed to do this, allowed to crush the presidential front-runner, the main threat to their power, with a bogus criminal case, where does that leave us? We're done because that precedent will live forever and voters will never again determine the outcome of a presidential election. It's remarkable when you think about it," Carlson continued.
"What happens if they get away with this? No one seems to be thinking this through. Everyone's all spun up, but what happens if they get away with this? If they use the Justice Department in full view of everyone to settle a political score and to keep the White House, just to take a guy out of the race who seems to be doing fairly well, we'll destroy the justice system and that's not a small thing."
"A functioning justice system has kept this country peaceful for hundreds of years," Carlson said. "The purpose of a justice system is to administer justice so that citizens don't have to do it themselves. You outsource that duty to the government. But what happens when you take that away, when there is no justice system?"
"What happens when the Department of Justice decides that its goal is not justice but protecting the ruling class at all costs?" Carlson asked. "Think about that. People are still going to demand justice. The desire for justice is an inherent human desire. We are born with it. But if there's no neutral place to do it, some people will decide they're going to have to do it themselves. Now, we don't know exactly what that's going to look like, but we can say for certain it's going to be really ugly."
I honestly don't know what the strategy could be behind the constant harassment of Donald Trump and the belittling of his supporters except for the desire to tear the country apart.
In his book, "Rules for Radicals" Saul Alinsky absolutely encouraged anarchy and provoking societal chaos for the purpose of destroying capitalism and American culture. Perhaps that is the ultimate goal of these despicable people in power.
If so, they're off to a hell of a start.