
March 28th, 2025


Look Ahead for Change

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published March 11, 2022

Look Ahead for Change
"G od grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." The Serenity Prayer, made popular by Alcoholics Anonymous contains a sentiment as relevant today as when it was first written many years ago. The idea of acceptance of a thing, (even a thing you may not like or agree with) when you realize that there is absolutely nothing you can do to alter it, while at the same time having the backbone to change a thing that should be changed.

This wisdom was conveyed in somewhat different words as far back as in the 11th century by Hebrew poet and philosopher, Rabbi Solomon ibn Gabirol when he wrote: "At the head of all understanding is distinguishing between what is and what cannot be, and the consoling of what is not in our power to change."

Sometimes being "right" about a thing doesn't help. What does help is changing the situation so that the "wrong" thing doesn't occur again in the future. What am I taking about? The 2020 presidential election. Some 15 months later, too many of us are still screaming that the election was stolen from President Trump.

Enough already! Just repeating over and over again that the election was stolen won't help change a thing. It's over, Biden was declared the winner and the powers that be will never allow that to change. Never. To do so, would be admitting that the United States of America is and has been fundamentally corrupt for decades. (Which I wholeheartedly believe, by the way.)

Keeping Donald Trump from a second term was the primary goal of the Democrats, and they did everything possible to ensure that would happen. Their collaborators included mainstream media, deep state bureaucratic shills ensconced in the federal law enforcement and intelligent agencies, and Big Tech (who did all they could to cancel and discredit all pro-Trump speech from their platforms).

All major American institutions were on board to get rid of President Trump; academia, the entertainment industry, publishing, Big Business, and other entities which happened to be beholden to the Federal Government/Media complex. Add to that, globalists and environmentalists. Under the best of circumstances, it's nearly impossible to win against a cabal as vast and tenaciously vicious as that. But then came the China Virus, the lockdowns and the fear. The Left's mantra to change voting rules began. People fell for it. Mail in ballots went out to everyone so that "everyone who wanted to vote could vote."

Forget polling places. Forget having only one election day. Forget I.D.'s. Drop off boxes suddenly appeared all over town. People were allowed to vote months ahead of voting day and even after voting day. No rules. Anything goes. When you're this loosey-goosey with the rules, voter fraud increases of course. But everyone (in charge) seemed to be okey-dokey with it. Hey, we're in a pandemic, after all! We can't have people gathering in person!

Put all of that together with the usual out and out election cheating and stuffing of ballot boxes and chances are very likely, all things considered, that the election was indeed stolen. Okay, so we know the election was stolen, now what? Given how it was stolen and who stole it, what can be done about it? How many politicians will support the idea that the thing was rigged? Which media outlet will look into it and report truthfully on what transpired? And finally, there's no way to have a do-over of the election at this point. The corruption is too deeply imbedded in our system.

In other words, it's time to accept what we cannot change.

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What CAN be changed is how our elections are handled in the future. We absolutely must return our voting rules to what they were before the pandemic panic allowed the cheaters to rig it. And we need to push our elected representatives to have the courage to do what needs to be done. Insist on voter I.D. Go back to a one-day election day (with reasonable absentee voting, of course, like it used to be). No more month-long voting by mail. No more "drop off boxes." No more going around state legislatures. Just return election day to what it was before 2020.

Now, if we don't have the courage to demand our politicians and state legislatures make those changes, then we deserve what we get in the next election, and all other elections going forward. And it won't be pretty.


